Well, that's unsettling.

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A few days later Harry was found by Snape who was on patrolling duty in moaning Myrtle's bathroom. It was an eerie scene. The young Weasley girl kneeling next to him crying while he laid unconscious on the ground. Above them was the ghost Myrtle who annoyed Snape with rude comments on the situation. He brought them up to the hospital wig and contacted Dumbledore who questioned Ginny about the whole story immediately. Sobbing the girl told them she had been obsessed by some book which made her find the chamber of secrets. She couldn't remember to harm any student but she was sure she was the culprit. By the way Dumbledore looked at her Snape knew there was more to the whole business then the headmaster lead on. Harry couldn't be interrogated at this time because he still hadn't regained consciousness. Ginny told them although she didn't remember much of the events in the chamber of secrets she was sure Harry had come to save her. She told them proudly with loving eyes she had been injured by a deep wound near her heart and Harry had miraculously healed hear which earned her stunned faces of Dumbledore and Snape. After a long inquisition the old coot decided for Ginny to return to Gryffendor tower since she didn't do anything wrong. "Despite the fact that she is terribly dumb." Severus added in his thoughts. Then Dumbledore returned to his office because "there are things I need attend to." He said in an important voice. So Snape stayed in the hospital wig alone where he stared at Harry for a long time.
What the hell had happened? How had Potter managed to get involved? What was wrong with the boy? Dammit, this was unsettling.

Eventually Harry opened his eyes to find Snape staring at him. He blinked surprised at the man who swiftly changed his worried look to indifference. Confused Harry looked around. Obviously, he was in the hospital wig. "Snape." He mumbled weakly, a little smile on his lips, before a dangerous sleepiness claimed his head once more. Instantly Snape left the room without looking back.

As Harry awoke next He was surrounded by his two best friends who had a little quarrel right now which they stopped when they noticed Harry's movements. Harry who felt fine now, quite refreshed due to the long sleep couldn't wait to leave the hospital wig with his friends as soon as possible but he was hold back by a stern looking Snape who guided him to the headmaster's office where Harry was supposed to explain the headmaster how he had managed to find the chamber and how he saved Ginny and everything. But Harry didn't remember much what the headmaster didn't knew by now. Besides during the whole interrogation he felt the burning stare of the potionmaster at his back which made him super nervous. Harry sensed he had forgotten something important. Finally Dumbledore arranged that Harry would be released of the hospital wig. If the headmaster wasn't satisfied with the answers he had he didn't let on so because he didn't requested another meeting. Harry was glad to escape the whole situation like this. He had to enough anyway because he had to homework worth a week and quidditch practice for Gryffendor's last game against Ravenclaw and the finals were around the corner, too. Nevertheless he still tried to figure out what was missing in his head weeks after the incident. He just couldn't grasp it.

Gradually, the term neared its end leaving Harry once more clueless where he should spent those horrible three months. He debated if he should ask Ron or Hermione if he could stay over but he didn't want them to think something might be wrong with his relatives. Besides much to Harry's pain Dumbledore insisted once more he should visit his uncle's. Well, Harry figured he just had to write his fair old lady and ask her if he could stay with her once more. So he asked her in his next letter. He used to write her from time to time because she obviously liked to be informed about his life as much as Harry loved to hear about hers. Soon Hedwig arrived with a reply saying Mr. Figg would even come and fetch him at King's Cross when the holidays started.

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