Knight in black armor

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As Harry awoke he smelled the clean scent of disinfectant. Eyes closed, he took a few more moments to gather his thoughts. Where was he? What had happened? Did he just dream about Snape? Why did his body feel like a wreck? A rustling noise made him open his eyes and he blinked confused into the cold light of a lamp above him. He obviously was in the hospital wig. Next to him, he spotted to two black orbs which eyed him worried. "Thank god, your are awake." He heard a silky voice mutter. "Can you sit up?" Those eyes disappeared from his view. Unwillingly Harry moved. Every inch felt like thousand needles. Due to the pain his breath fastened but nevertheless he sat up. "Professor Snape?" He croaked. His voice sounded as dry as his mouth was. Wordlessly, the potionmaster handed him a glass of water. Harry downed it in one gulp. "Thank you for rescuing me again." He turned his view back to the man whose worried expression changed into a faint sneer. "I am glad to be of service for our beloved chosen one." Harry chose to say nothing because he faintly remembered now what Snape had done for him. "How do you feel?" The professor asked into the awkward silence. "Better. I guess." Harry shrugged. "Your injuries need to be treated." Snape explained as he pulled the blanked away. "Stop it!" Harry demonstrated as soon as he realized he was completely naked. "There is no need to be shy anymore." The potionmaster said dryly. "Where is Madam Pomfrey?" Harry demanded a foreboding feeling in his chest. "She hasn't returned yet." Harry took a minute to let the information sink in then he asked in a mixture of disbelieve and shame. "You haven't seen me naked, have you?"

"I am thorough." The cutting reply came. At the horrified look of Harry the potionmaster added sourly. "You should be glad I didn't leave you there in the first place." This silenced Harry for several moments in which he rethought Snape's actions. The potionmaster watched his expression change from disgust to some kind of fondness. This was clearly a strange reaction to the prospect that his most hated professor had seen him naked. "Thank you for healing me." Harry said with an astounding sincerity then while the professor put some lube at the burned flash of his chest. Harry was really nicely build for his age. His shoulder had already squared out although he was a little thin. "How did this happen?" Harry asked into the awkward silence. "You took a hit because you're enormous self confidence prevented you from listening to my orders." The Gryffendor glared at his teacher. "That is not how I remember it."

"Then you might have injured your head as well or you are just oblivious to the fact that three deatheaters escaped who have- most likely- exposed my true alliances by now just because our little hero pulled some stunt which almost cost his life." Harry glanced furiously at Snape unable to say anything. "Then why did you help me in the first place? He uttered. Snape who just treated a great bruise on his back stilled. "Because Dumbledore ordered me to." He lied. Suddenly the boy's expression changed to the look of a hurt animal. "So he knew what was going on?" He whispered. "What are you talking about?" The potionmaster snarled. "Nothing." Harry spat, his expression going blank. What was that? Snape was once more impressed how the brat managed to hide his emotions so well. He didn't know anyone but himself who possessed such an ability. But he wouldn't be Snape if he wouldn't do everything to see this facade crumble. "Potter, I was wondering, given the age of this bruises, how long the deatheaters played with you or if anything else happened." Harry shook his head defiantly. Snape implied a little pressure on Harry's back causing the boy to inhale sharply. "Potter, do you know what a life debt is?" The potionmaster reminded Harry in his velvet voice about the debt which had formed between them and would force Harry magically to do anything on demand. Harry who knew this as well let out a deep sigh of defeat. "Fine, if you wanna now that badly... My relatives beat the crap out of me and threw me out" He said almost inaudible. Snape quirked an eyebrow at him "Why did they do that?" He asked softly. "They think I am a freak. All they ever wanted to get rid off me and when I showed up at them after three years things got a little out of control." Snape tried to hide his surprise. "You weren't home for three years, Potter?" He queried. "I don't have a home." Harry replied. Snape found the whole story sounded most disturbing. Now that he was finished the treatment of Harry's wounds he seated himself next to Harry on his bed. "Please, tell me everything. From the very beginning." He said fixing Harry with his black eyes. "If you promise me you won't tell anybody or take action without my consent." The green eyes watched him pleadingly. "I will." Snape vowed and then Harry told him everything.
An hour later Snape's about the image of the spoiled brat was shattered. Obviously the boy had been starved, beaten and abused on several occasions without a single soul in the world knowing. Deep inside himself Snape could- now that his loath had somehow ceased- find sympathy for the boy who could easily resemble his own. At last Harry demanded to know if Dumbledore had been informed about his condition. But all Snape could tell him was that even the mighty headmaster missed something occasionally. This made Harry feel alone all the more but rose the question how Snape had found him. The man thought it a fine opportunity to reveal the truth: "The ring has a tracking charm on him so which activates if the wearer is in danger." Harry looked at him disbelievingly. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Would you have still worn the ring if you did?" Harry said nothing while he looked awed at his knight in black armor.

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