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Bored Harry sat in his first potion class of term. He couldn't remember when he had been this tired before in his life. It was Friday afternoon and he hadn't slept since he had left Grimauldplace. He could barely hold his eyes open and he knew his concealment charms wouldn't do any good for much longer. He debated if he should fake an illness to leave class early. But Snape wasn't the type of teacher who let students go for mere causalities. Don't sleep.

Besides Snape seemed only to have grown nastier over the holidays. Especially to Harry he was trice as harsh as he used to. He had already taken 25 points in one stroke just because Harry hadn't payed attention. His fellow Gryffindors stayed silent and intimidated as mice while the Slytherins cheered. Don't let the greasy git get to you.

Snape was at his mean, old best. He ordered his class to brew the classic pepper up potion which wasn't that difficult. But of course Harry managed to screw it up. Don't sleep. He couldn't care less about the insults Snape threw at him over the last hour. Don't look at him. At the end Harry was the first one to storm out. Ron was right beside him fuming. "How could someone manage to loose 55 points for just attending a class?" He complained. But Harry ignored him. He was to tired to be angry, to tired to do homework and to tired to eat. He just dropped in his bed as soon as he entered their dormitory. Ron eyed him worriedly. But Harry couldn't bear it anymore. Sleep.

Harry woke up screaming. First he had no idea where he was but slowly he remembered he was in Gryffendor tower. It was a little past midnight and he was home. Hogwarts. Strangely he didn't feel at at home. He somehow missed Snape to soothe him, to be there for him after a nightmare. But that was over. He had to manage on his own. How stupid to let the old git to get so close to him. It only had made him weak. Desperately Harry renewed his silencing spells and tried to fall into sleep again but he couldn't.

His dreams concerning Voldemort seemed more and more clear to him now, although he couldn't put the pieces together. He felt like he missed something important. The whole weak he had nightmares. Some concerned Voldemort, some were just horror stories his mind made up.

After what felt like hours he decided he couldn't simply lay in bed anymore. Carefully not to disturb his roommates he took his invisibility cloak out of his trunk and wrapped around him. Then he went through the abandoned common room, out of the tower, towards the room of requirements. That was the plan because he didn't like wander around aimlessly. But today he just felt like it. The world seemed just so damn unfair. Snape had been clear about that nothing would change between them and Harry had accepted it without any regrets but today's lesson had been the worst.

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