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The day of departure which used to be Harry's least favorite day of year turned out to be less horrible than anticipated. He credited the prospect of some relaxing holidays for this unusual occurrence.

Soon his trunk was packed and he found himself together with Ron, Hermione and Ginny at their favorite compartment of the Hogwarts-express rushing towards their well deserved holidays.

As promised Mr.Figg awaited him at the train station. Harry was moved to tears. During their drive home Harry told her about his year and friends. She wanted to know everything, even how the headmaster was and how the staff was doing. Harry answered deliberately til they reached her home. At her house, Mr. Figg cooked dinner while Harry unpacked his things in his usual room. After a delicious meal Harry watched a TV show with her before he went to bed. He drove off to sleep completely satisfied. This were going to be the best holidays of his life.
The next weeks he helped his old lady in the garden. The work wasn't easy but he didn't mind because he got a lot of free time which he spent reading every book Mr. Figg possessed. Once a week his old lady took him shopping to the freeland market. Harry enjoyed those little trips very much because they usually walked the short way through the countryside.

One day when they were on their way back home from the market Harry had once more the urge he needed to remember something really fast. This particularly mood intensified as they walked past two guys who wore odd masks. Harry had the feeling he knew them from somewhere. He was just about to ask his old lady about those guys when the first hex passed him only inches. Harry swirled around and drew his wand. What the hell was happening? New hexes flew towards him and he could hear his old lady scream behind him as a stunning hex hit her in the chest. Hastily Harry managed a weak shield charm which was instantly broken by the powerful hexes of the attackers which sent Harry flying. He hit the ground hard with his head. Next to him he could her Mr. Figg's heavy breaths. She, too, had been struck down. Now he remembered. He remembered everything. A sudden wave of nausea caught him. He willed it down. Now it was to late. Now he mustn't panic. Now he needed himself to calm down. The masked guys crept nearer. Harry closed his hand so tight around his wand it hurt and stumbled to his feet, determined to defend his old lady. But in an instant lots of things happened simultaneously.

Before he could even raise his wand one of the attackers had thrown a green spell at him. All Harry could do was watch dump stuck how the hex was going to hit him in the chest. Was this the end? But before the green light bolt could reach him his old lady threw herself in between to cover him from any harm. Harry screamed. No this couldn't be happening. Suddenly another person emerged the scene and pushed him back. Harry shook his old lady. No this couldn't be happening. Her old face still formed a now silent scream. "Please." Harry whispered. "Please, say something." But Mr.Figg didn't move. Harry shot out a pained cry. This couldn't be happening. No, this mustn't be. He unleashed his whole power, willed his whole energy to help her but nothing happened. Meanwhile that someone had chased the attackers away. Harry could hear their distant screaming. He didn't know how long he was unable to move. He couldn't do anything but stare at her lifeless body. He felt so broken, so helpless. He wasn't able to do anything. It was his fault. She had died for him, to safe him. He wouldn't forgive himself that. Never. Like in trance Harry stumbled to his feet. He needed to bring her home, to call someone.

He dragged her with him. What an eerie scene this must have been, he walking the streets with the dead body of an old woman at Privet Drive, crying.

He didn't remember how he even reached her home. But he brought her in her room and lay her at her bed. She had still that stunned expression on her face which let new tears well up inside him. As he had somehow calmed himself down he took the telephone with shaking hands and called the police. They needed to be informed. He remembered everything clearly now. The chamber of secrets. Voldemort. He had been trapped there? He had used Ginny to gain back his powers. And now he was... back?! A cold shiver crawled down Harry's spine. No, this couldn't be happening. Harry sank horrified to the ground. No! This couldn't be. He was in danger now. Everyone he knew was in danger. He needed to go away soon. He needed to return to Hogwarts. Hedwig! He needed to contact Dumbledore instantly! Harry ran up the stairs to his room where he found his owl idly sleeping. Roughly he woke her up what earned him an angry peck. Hastily he explained her what had happened while he wrote a short notice down on a piece of paper. He wasn't sure if she understand every word he said but she landed on his shoulder and rubbed her head on his. This gesture calmed Harry down a little. When he finished his notice he tied it at his owl's feet. As Hedwig had left he went through his room and grabbed his stuff. He needed to leave this house immediately. It too much of a risk for him to stay. Harry took some food and money with him and went to the bust station two blocks afar. He paid a ticket which should bring him just to the next village because he wanted to stay near for her burial.

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