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The last weeks of term turned out to be as stressful as always. Hermione urged Harry and Ron merciless to study. "It's for your own best" she always prodded. Strangely Harry didn't mind all the extra work because it averted his attention from his sorrows. Snape still hadn't answered to his plea and Harry was nowadays even afraid to encounter the man in the corridors or in the great hall. But of all things the potion lessons were worst because Snape was as picky as always and never let something slip. He seemed to enjoy humiliating Harry quite a lot but Harry didn't dare to talk back to his professor anymore which lead to curious questions of his friends which Harry tried to avoid mostly.

After the last potion lesson before the exams which had been extraordinary awful, because Snape had spelled Harry's cauldron empty with no reason at all, Harry entered frustrated the boys dorm to get his broom and quidditch stuff. He was already half way through the door as he noticed a letter written in elegant letters on his bed.

"Mr. Potter, I am to inform you that I talked Professor Dumbledore and he bestowed the duty on me to take care of you during the summer break. S."

Suddenly his anger faded away and Harry trembled with joy. He wouldn't have to go back to the Dursleys. He was so glad he hugged the clueless Neville who walked in just the second. Leaving a confused Neville behind Harry ran downstairs to the pitch. He was still early so decided to fly some bit before the others came. He was so happy to escape the Dursleys over the summer that he just realized something he had been overlooking all along. He had, indeed, asked Snape to spend his holidays with him. Snape of all people, the bastard everyone hated, the greasiest git of all time.

Meanwhile his teammates arrived and joined him in the air. They were all in a playful mood because the holidays were close and only a few hadn't finished their exams yet. They chased each other and pretended to crash all along. Harry hadn't this much fun for long and he forgot his problems (Summer with Snape and Voldemort) for some precious moments.

After training he explained Ron he would spent his summer at Grimmauldplace. Ron seemed a little guilty because the whole Weasley family would visit Ron's brother Charlie in Egypt. But Ron agreed with Harry upon that Grimmauldplace was a better place than privet drive. Of course Harry didn't tell Ron with whom he would be there.

The next day Harry did to his surprise quite well in his potion exam. Probably because it was generalized and not something mean Snape made up.

In a good mood he joined later that day Krumm, Fleur, Hermione and Ron. They all had become good friends but now it was time to part. Their departure was rather brief and Hermione began to cry. Ron calmed Hermione by embracing her and Harry felt proud for Ron. His time with Fleur had apparently taught him some things while Cho and Harry had barely talked after the Yule ball. Harry just wanted to keep it like this. He was afraid to bond with somebody while Voldemort sought his death.

The three of them made their way back in the castle. One more week to go before they would take the Hogwarts express.

The last day of term they just laid in the grass by the large lake. At five a clock the train would part and there were only a few hours left. As the express arrived at Hogsmead Harry missed Hagrid to goodbye him who had went with Madame Maxime to a visit to BeauxBaton.

The train left and the three friends sat on their bench lost in thoughts. Eventually Luna, Neville and Ginny joined them til the train stopped at King's Cross where Harry was awaited by Kingsley Shaklebolt, an auror who was the guardian of the minister of magic. Harry knew him from several meetings and was glad it was him to escort him to his destination. Kingsley never talked much and Harry liked the discreet of his.

Soon they arrived at Sirius house. Harry had been there only once for a few hours. Actual, his godfather and Lupin were doing Order business abroad so the house was unused.

Kingsley only stayed for a few minutes to make sure Harry got everything he needed then he excused himself and went outside to apparate.

Harry was alone now. He looked around the house, he had never seen every room and now seemed the perfect opportunity to do so.

He started on the floor, there were a grand foyer, a dining hall and a kitchen, upstairs there were various bedrooms, baths, a parlor, a library and various locked doors. The house itself was old and used but the rooms were lively and warm. Harry wondered if Snape even was in the house because no trace shew the evidence of him. Last came the basement. It was quite dark there but Harry could see one fully lit room. He went to it first and saw Snape looking at some vials in deepest concentration. Harry leaned in the door frame and watched the man various minutes before the professor noticed him.

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