The Triwizard Tournament

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The last days before the new term started Harry spent in the company of Snape in the hospital wig. He really tried to get along with the man and his usual nasty and crude behavior. The young Gryffendor was glad there was someone who cared for him once.
But this ended abrupt as the other students arrived at Hogwarts. Snape knew well to hide his kind side so that Harry almost believed he had imagined it.

At the welcoming dinner which took as always places in the great hall Harry sat between his friends. It felt soothing to be with them in their kind of normality after the horrid events of summer. Nonetheless he had to force himself to listen to their stories because his head was spinning. Took the sorting longer with every year? Finally Dumbledore raised his voice. "Welcome back it Hogwarts everyone and welcome to our first years." He beamed at the teachers and students. "This year we have a bright event ahead of us. I have the honor to announce the triwizard tournament is about to take place at our school." He waited til the upcoming uproar had tuned down again. "As you probably all know the triwizarding tournament is an ancient competition between schools to determine the most powerful wizard. There will be three different tasks for our three chosen participants to clear. Who will participate we will determine later on. Now it is time for me to introduce our guest for this year because what was this game without any admirable rivals? Please welcome with me the strong Durmstrang and the fabulous BeauBatons." Dumbledore waved his arms and the door of the great hall swung open.

Suddenly everyone tried to seize a look of the new group of students which were greeted by a dozens of O's and A's. They assembled at the front where the first years used to stay. "Welcome our dear friends." Dumbledore announced and nodded towards the two teachers at the end of the crowd. "Please join our ranks so we can celebrate the upcoming year." The students greeted their guests with roaring cheers.
As every foreign students had found a place at one of the housetables and the teachers had taken their seats next to Dumbledore the feast began. The usual tons of foot appeared on the tables to everyone's delight but not to Harry's. He still felt nauseous but debated excusing himself now would be pretty impolite because a guy named Victor Krumm had just begun talking with them, well Hermione while Ron couldn't stop staring at him. "What's wrong?" Harry asked him. "Do you know who this is?" Ron asked back obviously irritated. "No, why?" Harry replied. "This is Victor Krumm, Bulgarians Seeker Number one." Ron said amazed. "You are kidding me, are you?" Harry asked impressed. "No. He is. He just told, Hermione." Ron said amazed. "Then what are you waiting for?" Harry said and smiled at Hermione who got the hint immediately and introduced Ron and him. They talked about rather lot. Hermione was interested in what school was like in Bulgaria and Ron was interested in Quidditch and Harry well - He was left to his thoughts and was satisfied to pretend he was listening. Absently he let his gaze wonder around the great hall. The most students were already bonding as it seemed and Hagrid was talking to the teacher of Beau Baton who was just as tall as he was. Thus a perfect match. Then Harry's gaze kept at Snape who shot him a sinister glare. So nothing had changed there. Too bad. Harry looked to the Slytherin desk. Malfoy smirked at him Harry smiled back. So their secret arrangement still applied, how fortunate.

It was rather late when Dumbledore interrupted the lively chattering once more. "Although it is getting late but I have a few, last announcements to make. First, our guests will be joining us in class hence tomorrow, so please show yourself of your best kind. Second, the selection of the participants. The tradition require to prevent any attempts of tampering the use of the goblet of fire." Dumbledore swung his wand and revealed a mysterious looking statue in which burned in blue fire. The mass made astonished noises. Dumbledore waited til the entire hall was silent again. Then he continued. "From today on you have one week to confirm your participation. Therefore you write a paper with your name on it and throw it in the goblet of fire. Be aware a magic contract is formed the moment your paper vanishes. This contract binds you to participate in the tournament, so if you are chosen you have oblige the rules or you will die. If you need help or want further instructions Madam Hooch will gladly help you. Please do not perform in any risky or lightheaded decisions. In this sense, consider yourself as informed. We will meet next Sunday to determine our three champions. I wish you all empty heads to fill with knowledge and excellent entertainment for this school year." Under lots of applause Dumbledore dismissed the students to their dorms. Harry dragged himself in the company of his friends to his dorm. His mood had reached a knew level of desperation. He couldn't shake of the feeling of loneliness. Nevertheless he gave it his best to keep up his mask of the cheerful quidditch boy. This was the person everyone wanted him to be. Even Snape.

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