The Weddingday

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Harry was just to glad when he and Hermione arrived at the burrow where the whole Weasley family was assembled because the oldest Weasley, Ron's brother Bill, would marry his girlfriend, Fleur, in a few weeks. Of course there were many things needed to be done until then and Harry appreciated he could be of help because being busy set his thoughts aside from his sorrows. There was so much work to be done and he was so focused to divert his attention he didn't notice how his dreams changed. First he was happy that he didn't dream about Snape anymore and thought it resulted of him being over Snape but soon things got a little weird. He heard a voice when he slept. At least that was what he remembered. One high pitched voice giving commands which became more and more cruel. Harry instantly recognized it was Voldemort he was listen to night after night. This upset him a great deal because he didn't know if what he heard happened for real or if he was going nuts. The wedding preparations proceeded and Harry became more and more restless because of his visions. Now he even had them when he was awake now sometimes. Of course he knew he needed to talk to someone about them. But since the one person he would actually consider telling this proofed to be an evil man he didn't know to whom. There was Dumbledore for sure. But he didn't want the headmaster to think he had become crazy if this kind of visions weren't real. The same applied for his friends. He debated talking to Lupin but he was still with Sirius fighting at the front so this was out of question, too.

Finally the wedding-day came and many guests arrived with them. Fleurs family, Xenophilious Lovegood, Victor Krumm, the Longbottoms, every single relative the Weasleys had and they were already enough to fill the church completely, Dumbledore and McGonegal happily together, Tonks, Lupin and Sirius, the famous writer Gilderoy Lockhart, Madam Maxime and Hagrid and many many others.

The festivities lasted till late into the night and even Harry had have a fine day. There was so much love in the air, as well as happiness and perfection. Something needed to go wrong and this was- well, him. The spouses had just left late in the night when it happened. Harry was at his third glass fire whiskey and talked with Gabrielle, the attractive young sister of Fleur. But during their talk he just looked once too often over to Snape who was talking in his usual grim fashion to Lockhart. Suddenly he heard the peculiar voice again. Unfortunately, now ten times louder. Harry suppressed the urge to cover his ears because this would have seemed strange and not to forget useless. Surely the vision would stop eventually but it didn't. Instead it even got worse with every minute. Finally Harry couldn't sustain it anymore. He debated apparating back to the burrow and go to bed very quickly just in the second when he felt like his head might explode. He sacked to his knees. The pain was overwhelming. The last thing he heard was the strident scream of Gabrielle. Then he fainted.

Snape was at Harry's side before any of the other guests realized what was going on. He checked the boy's vital signs and found them all working. Then he debated what he should do. He had a fair idea what Harry went through right now. Supposedly the dark lord lost his control. This was a worse sign. The dark lord only lost control when his power was at its highest. Last time the dark lord had possessed so much power he gave Harry visions about his plans while he slept. Severus didn't want to imagine what it meant if Harry was molested by them even while he was awake.

Dumbledore had hurried to Harry's side as well by now and exchanged with Severus a worried look. "Albus, the boy needs to be taken care of. By that I mean he needs to be watched constantly." Albus nodded in understanding. "Then I suggest you bring him to the hospital wig. Madam Pomfrey should be back from her vacation now."

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