Goodybye my little toyboy

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As Harry went into the kitchen after a quick shower Snape sat already at the table. "What are you doing?" Harry asked interested while he began making breakfast. "I am writing a letter." Snape looked up to follow the boys actions. He was very pleased Harry's behavior. "You are already trained well." He sneered. "What do you mean? You are always complaining when we train." Harry said. "I didn't mean that kind of training." Snape said smugly pleased to see Harry's face glowing red. So the boy could be startled at all. Snape just finished his letter as Harry sat down on the table to. "To whom are you writing?" The boy asked. "To a friend." Snape replied curtly. Harry shot him a curious glare. "As if he couldn't believe I have actually friends." Severus thought just the second Harry asked. "Do I know him?" Snape shot him a cool glance. "I doubt so. He is from france after all." Harry's eyes became wide. "You know someone from france?" He replied impressed. "Yes, otherwise I wouldn't be writing him." Snape snarled. "I am sorry. I shouldn't be prying." Harry apologized helping himself to his second toast. "It's just... have you ever been there?" He questioned then. "Yes, I studied there for a few years. Why do you ask?" Severus replied. "Well," suddenly the boy seemed embarrassed, "do they have to fight in this war, too?" Snape shook his head at this illogical question. "It's just..sometimes I feel like in a cage or a cave someone has thrown me and Voldemort in to fight this ridiculous battle. But the world is bigger than just England. What are people doing while I have to fight against this madman?" Snape shot Harry an annoyed look. "When you phrase it that way. I have to agree it is odd but the current political situation is problematic because the dark lord's return isn't officially recognized yet and as long as the Wizard Garmod isn't doing so, and I assure you, Dumbledore is working on this day and night, there is little hope any other country will help us." Harry nodded and thought about Snape's words. He suppressed the urge to ask Snape why they didn't flee, flooed or apparated away to some safe place where now one could find them. Those depressing thoughts were interrupted by Snape raising from his chair and leaving the room. "I'll meet you at the gym in ten minutes." He announced. "Why don't we skip training and have sex instead?" Harry asked cheekily. "Because I have the duty to prepare you to fight not to entertain in inappropriate pastime activities what I ruefully regret." Snape sneered.

The next days involved daily training and sex, lots of great sex. Although his professor soon showed some dominant streak. Besides Snape vehemently turned Harry down while they were working. First Snape's distant behavior upset Harry but soon they were playing a game. Harry who tried to seduce his teacher against Snape who tried to restrain himself. Gradually the holidays neared their end leaving Harry almost sad he had to return to Hogwarts so soon. This had never happened before but he had never such great holidays either. Although he had spent most of the time learning he had enjoyed this summer quite and he was sure Snape felt the same even if the potionmaster would never admit so. Regarding his professor Harry was clueless. Did their relationship just evolve around sex or was there more?

A week before term was about to begin again Harry approached his professor while their daily reading session. "Sir, about the book list. You see I still need to purchase some stuff for next year and Ron has asked whether.. I thought maybe I could..." The brat looked at Snape horrified who was delighted he made still such an impression on him. "You thought about visiting Diagon Alley." Snape completed the sentence. The boy nodded shyly. "You know it is a dangerous time for someone like you to be seen in public." Snape drawled. "I know that. So you won't let me?" The boys slumped his shoulders hopelessly. "No, you shall go. It would be a fine opportunity to revise everything you learned so far." Snape said earnestly. "But what if something happens and I get myself killed?" Harry asked afraid. "Since when you are so dark?" Snape asked astonished and the boy shrugged. "You will be fine." Snape assured Harry. "What if I am not?" Harry asked uncertainly. "What about your Gryffendor courage?" Snape snapped back. Harry looked at him pained. "There may be times I would prefer cunning you know?" "Such words from a thorough Gryffendor." Snape sneered softly. "Do you know the sorting hat almost put me in Slytherin?" Harry stated. After an uncomfortable silence Snape admitted: "God, I am glad he did not." "I am, too." Harry confessed. Silence stretched out between them again. After a while Snape questioned: "When will you go?" "They asked if I could floo into the Leaky cauldron tomorrow at eleven o clock." Harry answered deliberately. "Good, have your way then. I need to return to Hogwarts for preparations anyway." Snape announced. "Thank you, sir." Harry said and stood up from the chair on which he had been reading for the last few hours. "Where do you think you are going?" Every vibe in Harry jolted like had been set under current. He turned around a half smile on his face. "To bed?" Harry asked innocently. "Come here. I want o see you." Snape put his book away and glanced demanding at his lover. Nervously Harry came back and nestled himself in Severus' lab while he wondered why the man permitted him to do so when he had forbidden such all summer. Snape petted Harry's head causing same to explode with thousands questions but Harry was smart enough to not ask any of them out of fear they would make Severus stop. Sitting in Snape's lab he felt protected and cared for and soon Harry almost fell asleep. Then he heard the other man's voice quietly speaking to him. "You are so exquisite with your fairy like built." Simultaneously he touched Harry's cock which showed immediate interest. "You look even more dashing with your black hair and green eyes than your father ever did." Harry broke out in little moans. "You are divine, nothing is comparable to you." Snape's voice brushed like silk over Harry who tried grind his hips at the skilled hand. "Youthful impatience. How much I like to see such." Snape's voice became more husky and Harry could feel the other man's erection at his back now. Snape kissed Harry, hard and fierce. The skilful tongue made Harry moan and shiver and soon climax. Harry could feel his orgasm rolling over him, starting by his feet and making him scream. He came hot and fast in his pants.

As he had recovered he noticed the obsidian eyes of his lover looking at him absently.

"Down on your knees." The sudden command startled Harry. "Now, brat." Harry slit of Snape's lab and knelt down between his departed legs where the large bulge was clearly visible. "Suck." Snape freed his huge cock out of his robes. Harry grabbed the throbbing cock causing Snape to exhale sharply. Teasingly, Harry licked his lips. Horny as he was, he wanted another go. Harry licked the tip of enormous cock which seemed to grow even more. He wanted to see his emotionless professor loose control now. Eagerly Harry sucked the tip before he took the cock in even deeper. Snape's breath went ragged. Then Harry who could taste salty precome already to the whole cock in, he let his tongue wander along the whole length. A low groan escaped Snape's throat. The other man was close. Snape moved his hips to fuck Harry's mouth making Harry almost gag but the man only sped up til he filled the boys mouth with cum who managed to swallow almost all.

Only seconds after his orgasm Snape tugged his cock away he raised an eyebrow at Harry's heated expression.

"You were a nice toyboy over the summer. I must say I really enjoyed fucking you. But I can't have that back at Hogwarts. I am a professor after all." He drawled annoyed. Something tore apart in Harry's chest. "So you send me away? How can you do this to me?" Harry asked shocked.

"Think, Potter. This liaison doesn't benefit us any longer. What would you friends say if they knew you crave older man's dicks up your ass." Harry paled but he knew Snape was right. "I hate you. You are a perverted old bastard" He spat nevertheless. "I dare say it was consensual til the very end. And of course I hate you, too. This way it makes most fun." Snape sneered. Glistening green eyes locked with black ones which absorbed every possible light, every sought emotion. Harry stood up whatever he had hoped to find it wasn't to be found here. "Leave. I don't want to see you but in class." The potionmaster snarled as Harry left, tears in his eyes. He felt betrayed although he had anticipated such action from a man like Snape. But who was his brain to conquer his heart which was shattered now.

Meanwhile Severus stayed motionless in the library. A silent tear rolled down his cheek. He hated himself for what he had done, what he had to do again. Everything within him had screamed to make the boy stay. But he couldn't have that. For the sake for the boy's safety. Last time he had send someone away like this it had been James, now it was Harry. Once more Severus wondered if life was just some cruel joke. Then he noticed a little folded paper at the page he was reading. The note "I know. I'll do my best to until I can be with you." was written on it in a messy scrawl. Snape gazed at the paper in mild awe. Why did the boy never fail to amaze him? He doubted it sincerely.

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