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The weekend flew by in a hurry. Harry didn't allow himself to think to much and tried to spent every minute learning. Much to Ron's frustration who felt left out at Harry's long study talks with Hermione.

On Wednesday they had potions. Harry did his best not to stare on Snape's long and slender finger cutting or dicing ingredients or shiver under the mans silky voice. To everyone's surprise Snape ignored Harry, his most hated student, the entire lesson what caused Dean and Seamus to throw a little party in the Gryffendor common room afterward. "Zero points loss in a potion lesson. I don't know what you did Harry but keep at it." Ron cheered. Only Harry felt a bit odd. Strangely, he missed being provoked by Snape. He even missed it a great deal. Soon the spontaneous party attracted many visitors like some Rvenclaw girls. Cho was with them and waved at Harry. They talked for a few minutes before the party was interrupted by the sudden entrance of McGonegall who was searching for Harry. "Mr. Potter, I have a message from Professor Snape directed to you. You are to arrive at his chambers this evening at seven." She informed Harry stiffly. "What for? Do I have detention?" Harry asked her curiously. "He didn't say so but please do as you are requested." McGonegall answered and turned around to go. "Couldn't you tell him I don't feel like meeting him today?" Harry asked weakly. "I am not an owl." The professor snapped. "As you are in possession of two functional feet I suggest to go and tell him yourself." She added sharply before she left the room. "That's professor McGonegall for you." Ron laughed at Harry who stood there speechless. "But what does the greasy git want from you?" He wondered. "I really don't know." Harry replied sitting down onto one of the sofas. Suddenly his legs felt quite shaky.

At punctually seven o clock Harry stood in front of the portrait that sealed Snape's chambers. "You may come in." The sonorous voice of the potionmaster announced. Nervously Harry went in. Snape said behind his desk grading papers, a familiar sight to Harry, who led himself fall onto an armchair immediately. Giving Harry a swift glance Snape rose his voice: "Dumbledore requested me, due to the exceptional circumstances, to continue with our trainings lessons." Snape gave Harry a long look. Harry's mouth went dry: "What exactly did he say?" "I shall teach you everything I consider appropriate for you to know." Snape's thin lips turned into a curl. Embarrassed, Harry looked at his bare hands. "Therefore I am in charge for every aspect of you further scholastic career. Be aware that I am to execute every punishment to you now. I want you not to break the rules and endangering yourself by doing so. Besides I won't put up with you slacking off in class and your typical insolence. Every misbehavior will be punished. Is that clear, Potter?" Snape's lips curled into a satisfied sneer. "It turns you on to have all power over me, does it?" Harry spat awkwardly. "Ten points from Gryffendor for insolence, Potter." Snape replied coolly. "But for your information, it does." Heavily sighing Harry looked up into the pitch black eyes of his professor. "So what do you plan to do with me now Dumbledore practically sold me to you?" "Potter, that is exactly the misbehavior I am talking about." The potionmaster snapped raising infuriated from his chair. "Just fuck off Snape I am not yours just because Dumbledore said so." Harry shouted. In an instant the professor towered above Harry and yanked him up by his hair. Harry cried out in surprise. "It is professor Snape. And no, you were already mine. Remember?" Snape hissed piercing Harry with his obsidian eyes.

"How come?" Harry asked breathlessly. "Those who restrain their desire do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained." Snape's lips crashed on to Harry's. The man kissed Harry so fiercely that the boy thought his head might explode. Simultaneously a swelling feeling gathered in his chest. He had done it. He belonged to Snape. The only man in the world who could safe him.

Touching, feeling, tasting. In a bliss Harry played with Snape's hair, traced the man's elegant features. Heavily breathing they were pressing against each other and Harry could feel Snape's erection indicating the man's interest. "Fuck me." Harry moaned. He could here Snape chuckle next to him. "Eager, are we?" He growled. As answer Harry rubbed himself against the man. "Please, I want to feel you." He whispered. "Undress yourself." Snape ordered curtly. Hastily Harry abandoned his clothes. Then he stood kind of embarrassed in front of Snape who gazed at him. "What a sight you are. Remarkable." Harry shivered under those words. Then the man leaned down to kiss him long and thoroughly. "I want to cherish you." Snape lead Harry to his bed. "I haven't heard you scream far to long." He said in his velvet voice. He had spelled his clothes away revealing his huge, erect cock. Harry eyed him impressed. He had almost forgotten how handsome his professor was. Suddenly Snape was everywhere, biting, sucking, making Harry beg for release. With one skilled push Snape had entered Harry completely causing the brat to yelp in surprise. Soon he found a steady rhythm, hitting Harry's prostate with every push. Harry could do nothing but beg for more. His body was on fire ...

... "Don't get to high hopes. The next time we will actually work." Snape sneered as Harry left whose heart made a little jump at those words. He was fired up. He just needed to work harder to seduce his professor. But this turned out to be a more than difficult task because Snape went all books on Harry. Every time they met Snape lectured him about any topic Harry could possibly think of and even gave him lots of assignments to do or books to read. Secretly Harry didn't mind this as much as he let on but he truthfully would spent his evening rather snogging instead of studying with Snape. Despite the tension concerning potions they went along even at Hogwarts. Although Snape still made cutting comments and went berserk if Harry was behind with his studies. Nevertheless he miraculously managed to make his student enjoy being taught by him. A thing Harry would have bet his broom against once. A thing Harry couldn't believe still.

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