The train

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Harry entered the crowded King's Cross. Suddenly he felt pretty nervous and excited. A new life and what else lay ahead of him. And he hoped sincerely it would turn out better than living with the Dursleys.
It took him ten minutes to reach the platform in which he feared to miss the train. But everything went fine. The only thing one need is luck in life. First he spotted an old majestic steam lock with seven or so wagons. Harry tried to pull his trunk into the last but he was to weak. Desperately he looked around for someone to help him. He spotted a family of redheads putting the trunks of their children into the next wagon. Harry heaved his trunk towards them. "Excuse me." He said to the father who just had loaded the last of his four son's trunks. "Would you mind to help me, sir?" Harry asked the man shyly. "Of course, he will, darling." The mother cut in while she beamed at him. "Is it your first year, dear?" Harry nodded. "I see. Our Ron's here, too." She patted the cheek of an annoyed boy who stood next to her. As the father had loaded Harry's trunk on the train Harry excused himself rather shortly. He wasn't used to talk to people yet. It made him kind of nervous. And he even expected his uncle to pop out of nowhere to drag him back home. Therefore he mumbled just a shy "Thank you, sir." and entered the train.
The departure went without said incidents. He just sad alone in his compartment and watched the families saying goodbye to their children. Then with a ruck and the sound of a steam whistle the train set forward. Soon King's Cross vanished and also the whole outside world was to see as a blurry mess outside the window. For a few minutes Harry enjoyed the sensation of traveling with a train because he had never the opportunity to do so until now. As he looked up he saw the red haired boy from the stage standing in the door. So he met Ron, a scrawny red haired boy on the train who had five brothers, a sister and rat named Scabbers. His parents were both wizards and he was short on money. Besides he was nervous a bit nervous about the sorting because his whole family had been sorted into Gryffendor. His twin brothers Fred and George who joined them later were upperclassmen and nice folks to be around.
After the long train ride Harry was sure to have made at least one new friend and he hoped he would be sorted into the same house as Ron.

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