Hogwarts dinner

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The sunset was almost over as the train stopped at a sordid station. Harry eyed his surroundings suspiciously while he left the train. He had been told to leave his stuff behind. Outside, he immediately spotted Hagrid standing in the middle of the stage. "First years. Please gather around." His smile broadened as Harry when he saw Harry in the crowd. "Follow me, we are going to take another round than the upperclassmen." The giant hummed and marched in the direction of a small lake where many boats floated in the deep black water. "Now grab yourself a partner and take your seats. It's gonna be a rough ride." Hagrid smiled. Harry looked out for Ron who was dragged into a boat by another boy already. Now a little disappointed Harry watched the shrinking crowed when he was tapped on the shoulder by a bushy haired girl. "Hi, my name is Hermione Granger. Mind if we sit together?" She asked. "No. I'm glad." Harry smiled while their sat down into the last boat. "Alright, everyone's ready?" The deep voice of Hagrid called. "Then off we go!" And suddenly the boats began to move like magically. Harry was struck. They were making a boat tour with magical boats. Not the first thing he imagined he would do once he was at Hogwarts. Meanwhile Hermione talked about the History of Hogwarts and what books she read in preparation for the term. She was also Muggle born and obviously already afraid to be behind with her studies. Somebody thought of her privy or geeky but Harry liked her instantly. It was dark now and the stars reflected in the clear sea. After they had passed some huge rocks and eternal forest Hogwarts finally on the Horizon. A black silhouette in the dark. A huge castle on rocks. Harry was amazed.

Soon they reached the end of the lake and apparently they had to walk the rest. Hermione instantly stood up and went to the head of the group with "I hope we are sorted in the same house. See you around." Then Harry was alone again. But not for long because Ron strolled over to him. "The guy I was in a boat with, his name is Malfoy, told me the famous Harry Potter was in the train. You aren't him, are you?" Ron glanced searchingly at Harry. "Well, eh, it is true, I guess." Harry stuttered. "Dude, why didn't you tell me?" Ron called amazed. "I didn't now it was such big news." Harry defended himself.

They reached the front gate of Hogwarts before Ron could ask further embarrassing questions which Harry couldn't have answered anyway. The castle lay completely in the dark, only a few enormous windows were lit. Hagrid knocked at the front gate. A rustling sound followed, the door swung open and a sinister looking man appeared. Spoken man was the caretaker Mr. Filch who brought his cat Mrs. Norris wherever he went. The man greeted Hagrid and then lead them around a few corners through another grand door where a middle aged woman awaited them. "Good evening, students. I welcome you at Hogwarts. I am Professor McGonegal to you. Now you will be sorted in once of our great houses. Gryffendor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. While you attend Hogwarts this house will function as your family. I hope you treat your new family with respect and be a worthy addition to the house you are sorted in. And now follow me." She turned around and the grand door opened itself. The soon to be students followed her intimidated. The professor lead the crowd into a vast hall which didn't seem to have a top because the starry sky sparkled above. Additionally the room was lit by dozens of floating candles which gave the great hall a mysterious touch. There were five tables, on four of them were students who eyes the newcomers curiously, the fifth obviously was the teacher's table which stood at the front of the room. As soon as the group of first years stood in front of this table an old man with a beard raised his voice. "Welcome to Hogwarts. The sorting may begin now."
To Harry's relieve the sorting turned out to be a rather quick procedure. Soon the first Hufflepuff was chosen. Then a Slytherin and then again a Hufflepuff. Ron's wish became fulfilled as he was sorted into Gryffendor. Then the a blond girl became the first Ravenclaw and Hermione didn't become Ravenclaw but Gryffendor instead. A one of the last Harry got sorted. The head seemed to have his difficulties with him but finally Harry became a Gryffendor, too. Harry was so nervous something might be wrong with him he didn't notice the turmoil his name caused. The till that very moment cheering hall went rapidly silent. But Harry just went grateful to the Gryffendor table. He was quite glad because the twins, Ron and Hermione belonged also sat there. Therefore he didn't noticed how the cheering crowed fell into a tense silence.
Exhausted, he watched how the last two first years went to Ravenclaw. Then the old man, who was obviously Dumbledore, the famous headmaster, hold a speech about the upcoming year. Meanwhile Harry's gaze wandered along the staff member table until he noticed a man with black hair directly staring back. Harry flinched startled and turned his view back to Dumbledore who had just finished talking and clapped his hands one time. Suddenly lots and lots of foot appeared on the tables and the traditional dinner, as Harry was told, began. While they were eating Harry asked a prefect casually. "Who's that man?" The prefect whose name was Percy Weasley answered deliberately. "Oh, you mean professor Snape. He is the head of Slytherin and teaches potions." Harry nodded and turned his attention back to the food before him. But he noticed the potionmaster's eyes follow his every move. Damn, the man was creepy.
The same prefect lead the group of Gryffendor first year's to the common room in the east tower. The common room was sealed by a portrait which pictured a fat lady who liked it to sing. After an annoying discussion with spoken lady about the new house password Percy shew them their dorms. Harry was in a dorm with Ron and Neville with whom he had talked over dinner and Seamus Finnegan and Dean Thomas. Their room was spacious with five fourposter beds in it. Fortunately their packages had been brought there already so they only needed to change before going to bed. That night was the first in which Harry ever dreamed sweet.

Harry was popular, good looking and smart. He was perfect, like his father had been...

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