Snape's secrets

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One night, Harry hadn't come for three nights and had been even to tired to do more than greet his professor Snape heard sudden screams out of his bedroom. Alarmed he tried to wake the boy up by shaking him. But Harry wouldn't gain consciousness. He didn't want to. The same scene he had watched a dozens times by no replayed itself before his eyes. He looked in the fearful faces of Lucius Malfoy, Mr. Crabbe, Bellatrix Lestrange, Regulus Black and some more he didn't recognize as he began speaking with Voldemort dry voice. "My deatheaters, my dear servants, the preparations are done. All of you are chosen to receive my greatest gift." The deatheaters bowed down simultaneously. "I want my deatheaters to be the most powerful who rule this land. I want the muggles to struggle in desperation and no mugblood shall live. Everyone of you, my servants, will receive this gift to please only me as your highness." Harry looked down onto bowing mass to his feed. "Malfoy. Come here." He hissed. "Yes, my master." The voice of Draco's father was tensed. "You are shall be the first in my new generation. The one who has the honor to be the first." Harry chimed. "Thank you, master." Malfoy breathed excited. Without warning Harry drew his wand and waved it. Suddenly Malfoy screamed in pain. He broke down to his feed but hold forced himself to hold eye contact with Harry. Despite the obvious pain he was suffering his eyes shone with gratitude. Then it was over. "Show me your arm." Harry commanded impatiently. The deatheater rolled up his sleeve and gave view of his dark mark which shimmered bright red now. The flesh smelled burned but Harry felt delighted. So much it made him anxious. He shouldn't be grateful for another mans injury. Then it hit him. He was Voldemort. In this moment Snape succeeded to wake Harry finally. "Snape, I-" Harry exclaimed confused to find the other man to his side. "Professor, I-" He tried again. But Snape hugged him. "It is over." He said softly. "I-I know, its just there.." Harry felt unable to phrase just what he had seen. "It's Voldemort. He is planning something." Snape gave Harry a careful look. "What is he up to?" He asked. "I saw it. He did something to his deatheaters. Damn, I just saw it right before my eyes and now I can't grasp it anymore." Harry moaned desperately. "Just calm down. Then things will fall into place." Snape soothed the boy. Harry gave Snape and astonished look but nodded. They sat like this for a while: Snape hugging Harry and Harry enjoying it. Strangely, Harry never felt as safe as with Snape. After a while Snape asked: "Can you talk about it?" Harry shook his head. "I have just seen it but I can't remember. Damn, what good will those dreams do if I suffer through them and then forget everything in the next second." Snape repressed the urge to pet the boys head. "Tomorrow we can try some spells to reactivate the memory." He offered. "Thanks, that would be nice of you." Harry said. Next to him Snape began laughing. "You are the first one who ever called me nice." Harry gave him an unbelieving look. "Well, you could do that more often you know?" "What?" Snape asked still grinning. "I mean laughing. This the first time I've ever seen you laugh." Harry explained. Snape shook his head in ridicule and went to his side of the bed. "Good night, Mr Potter." He announced. "Good night." Harry mumbled almost asleep again.

The next day, a Friday, came and due to the nighty events Snape and Harry overslept, a case that never happened before. The first one awake was Severus who new the very second he opened his eyes something was off. "Wake up, Potter." He barked while swiftly changing into his robes. Sleepily Harry watched the potionmaster's hasty movements. Snape's body was quite gorgeous. A lean muscular frame which was crowned with many tiny marks giving him the look of an ancient warrior. But the most remarkable was the bloody red mark which was a bloody contrast to his all to perfect shape. "There is no time for laziness, Potter. I would take dozens of points if it were my class you were to late to." Snape sneered. "Thank heaven I have Magical history." Harry replied but went to fetch his invisibility cloak.

In Gryffendor tower, he explained a confused Ron that he had have a nightmare and went to the common room where he had dozed off. Quickly Harry dressed and reached Binn's class just in time which was a little consolation against a roaring stomach due to a missed breakfast. At least class wasn't as boring as usual. They were talking about the recent history. Something Dumbledore had personally requested of Bins, now the dark lord was officially back. Harry like his muggles raised fellows listened attentively because most of the facts were quite knew to him and he was the bloody boy who lived himself. Whereas Ron seemed pretty much bored. He knew most of it from his dad who worked at the ministry. But even Ron began to show interest in Bins monologue as it came to the dark mark. Something that was feared like the death eaters themselves. Bins showed them a few pictures and Harry payed close attention. With his recent dreams in mind he didn't dare to miss something important in the end. "Doesn't he show us the red ones?" He asked Hermione after class. "What red ones?" Hermione asked back. "You know the dark mark. He only showed us the green." Harry explained. "But Harry, there is only the green one. No one has ever heard of a red." Hermione clarified confused. "Are you serious?" Harry asked her growing anxious.

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