Deatheater assemble

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Rain dripped of Snape's cloak as he entered Malfoy Manor. The old building seemed to be deserted but Snape knew this wasn't true. It wasn't true either that Snape had lost his position in the dark lord's ranks. Being the professional spy he was it didn't take him long to track down every single one of those deatheaters who tried to escape. Nevertheless he was in a tensed mood as he stormed towards the first assemble he would attend for over a year. Proudly, he walked along the table where his fellow deatheaters were gathered. Without sparing them a single look he knelt down in front of his master. The dark lord, seated on a throne, watched him through faintly red eyes. "My knife, finally you have returned to me." A high voice hissed. Snape rose his head. "Of course, my lord." They stared at each other for several moments. Only through his massive willpower Snape managed to keep his impassiveness up. Then the dark lord turned his view away from him. So he was accepted. Tensed, he seated himself to his right causing outraged mutters from the crowd but a single look of the dark lord silenced them all.

The meeting proceeded in its disturbing kind of normality. The dark lord had some of them report how the battlefronts were doing. Then he had one of them killed who hadn't pleased him obviously. Like always most of them watched the whole even through fearful eyes without daring to move. Severus pitied none of them. They had all chosen this, exactly like him. Inwardly, he prepared himself for the very moment the dark lords attention would rest on him. As the red gleaming eyes were fixed on him and a numbing cold claimed his mind the time had come. "Tell me my knife where you true loyalties lie." The dark lord ordered after a long silence.

"With the greatest wizard of all time." A wicked grin appeared on the lord's thin lips. "I sense a new desire within you. Who is the object you could possibly want? Only his expertise prevented Snape to freak out. "It is.. a schoolboy, my lord." He uttered bowing his head. Scornful laughter filled the room. The dark lord signified him to come closer. "I want the name." Stiffly, Snape walked up to his lord and knelt beside him. "Harry Potter." He said quietly, surprised about his own calm.

"Hilarious. My knife, you shouldn't be able to feel desire at all to begin with and despite that the first person you let into your rotten heart is, Potter?" The red eyes pierced Snape. It almost hurt.

The deatheaters laughed. "It is the truth." Snape said tersely. "My knife, you should be rewarded." the malicious grin of the lord send chills down Snape's spine. In the long sleeve of his cloak he grabbed his wand tight. "What an honor my lord."

"Show me you mark." Snape hold his other arm out. The robes he wore had a slice so the red skull shew through it telling everyone who he was. Voldemort yanked his arm. "Do you see how remarkable he is? He was the first and yet he is calm and tender although he has finally learned what the word desire does frame. I wish you all to remember him." Before Snape realized what happened Voldemort pressed his palm into his arm. Immediately the red mark filled out with an unhealthy black. A sudden pain erupted so strong Snape screamed. Then he fell to the ground. "Finish him off, the traitor in our midst." Before Snape could fathom what had just happened the joyful scream of a woman arose from the crowd. "He is mine." A green hex Snape missed Snape only inches. Numbly he stumbled to his feet. This was worse. He needed to get out of here. Now. He shrew countered the next spells that hit him and knocked even some deatheaters out. Despite the coldness which gathered within him, seemed to slow him down, dragged him into dangerous black he totally went berserk. He dodged and cast various spells and took one after another down. In a spare second he noticed Voldemort had disappeared. "Damn, coward. He thought.
He was struck by hex into the chest. He tumbled down. Was this the end? No, if he was going to die here he would take all of them with him. Everyone.

Snape stumbled upon his feet. He had to keep moving, he mustn't ever stop or otherwise... He had lost orientation among with his wand a while ago. He needed to get out of here. NOW. With a loud crack and his last bits of power he manage to apparate. As soon as he hit the ground he fainted. A welcoming dark was consuming him and he didn't care to go.

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