Dark patronus

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One day Snape took Harry to the forbidden forest directly after potions. As they arrived a secluded clearing far away from the paths Snape kissed Harry so hungrily the Gryffendor allowed himself to think how far they might go this time but his professor had obviously other plans. Gently he pushed Harry away who looked at him kind of disappointed. "I am afraid we have some business to attend to" Snape announced evidently. "Yes, I get it. I am a rampant teenager." Harry sighed unluckily while he sorted his clothing. "Yes, you are. But nonetheless I have plans for this evening and that is why I brought you here." Snape informed Harry. "Our goal is to make you ready to face the dark lord anytime and if possible survive." Harry repressed a shiver. "Therefore we need probably to start from scratch. Tell me, Potter, what do you know about the dark arts?" Harry flinched at the question. He had feared Snape would say just that. "I don't want to hear about those. All they do is harm." Harry said almost pleadingly. "This proofs once more how little you know." The potionmaster sneered. "I don't see a reason why I should learn such." Harry argued. "Because before you can learn how to defend yourself you have to know what you defend." Snape explained with thinned lips. Harry shook his head defiantly. "Not good enough."

"Potter, you are offered the privilege to be taught in one of the greatest magic there is. Many wizards died in the attempt to teach themselves and you of all people receive the sole opportunity not to follow their example, hopefully. So stop whining and behave because I would rather spent my free time to my own asset than to teach a snotty, ignorant Gryffendor." Snape hissed. "You are such a git. I will never kill people. You can teach all you want but I won't." Harry yelled. "Quit the nonsense. Snape barked infuriated "If you think the dark arts are limited to such ungraceful acts you are mistaken."

"I won't. Goddammit." Snape yanked the brat up by his sleeve. "You are acting like a child, that can't even grasp the importance of the situation." "I am not." Harry struggled to free himself. But Snape's grip only tightened. "We will begin by casting a simple patronus. Show me your famous one. I heard rumors you could pull it of in fourth year." Snape said leaving the brat barely enough room to grab his wand but to his surprise Harry did nothing of the sort. He just inhaled sharply, rose his suddenly odd gleaming hands in the air and clapped them together. Immediately a beautiful silvery doe escaped his hands and danced around like she was enjoying the forest. At Snape's struck face Harry laughed. "Just for your information. I could already do it in my third."

"You impertinent little wretch." Snape hissed but from the man's smug expression Harry could see he was more than pleased. "How did you even manage without a wand?" The professor questioned then. Astounded Harry looked around to find a suitable explanation which would satisfy his stern teacher. "Magic just happens when I think about it. So I don't use my wand that often if it isn't requested." He shrugged. Snape could have throttled Potter once more. Like always, he possessed such an extraordinary ability but didn't even think to use it properly. "This will change very quickly." He fixed Harry with his eyes. "Back to focus now. Do you know what a dark patronus is?" Harry shook his head. Snape did a slack with his wand. A dark creature, a prongs escaped his wand, claimed his way gracefully. Harry had never seen such a powerful spell. "The dark patronus is an image of your whole self. It reflects everything of you. Every good and every bad part. Therefore it is much stronger than the original patronus which consists solely of good."

"There has to be a reason why it's dark magic. Tell me."

"The dark patronus is incredible powerful. The other one might defend dementors while this one will taunt them and tear them apart. As for every living creature."

"Why doesn't the dark lord fight with it?"

"Almost nobody is able to control or even conjure it because you have to be in conscience with yourself, with every part of you, the light and the dark. The dark lord who has admonished any good within himself isn't able."

"I am sure this upsets him a great deal."

"Oh yes, obviously. But there are other ways to torment. As far as I know he prefers the simplest three."

Until late in the night Harry practiced to conjure his dark patronus but nothing happened so far. Exhausted and in a bad mood he looked at Snape who sat leaned at a tree a few meters to his right. "You failed you first lesson." He sneered. "I did what?" Harry looked dazed at his professor. "You heard me." Snape grunted and got to his feet. "Seems you aren't honest with yourself and I gonna find out why." The man strode past Harry back to the castle without reassuring himself if Harry was following. They didn't talk much for that evening and Harry was more than glad as he lay in his bed in Gryffendor tower.

For practice they regularly met in the forbidden forest now. Often they spent hours battling on the rough paths or revising spells. But Harry never managed the dark patronus. Much to the dismay of his teacher.

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