Life (Confession V)

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The next morning Snape told the headmaster he would visit his childhood house and he would take Harry with him. Too Snape's grudge Dumbledore didn't seem as surprised as he should. Probably the linked patroni had revealed more than he could ever have explained. Fortunately, Dumbledore choose wisely not to brag about Hogwart's new it pair.

Early midday Snape and Harry arrived at Snape's manour a huge land house near the sea. The boy was totally amazed. "This is your house? Really? You tell me we visit some rooms of you and that is what you mean?" Snape did his best to hide his smile. "Yes, this is Snape manour. I hope you don't mind its state nobody has been here fore a while." He opened the door. Inside they were greeted by a staff of houseelves. "Master Snape." They cheered and bowed down deeply. Harry shot Snape an amused look who looked kind of embarrassed. Then the largest spoke in a deep voice. "Welcome back, Master. We expected your return. I hope everything meets your approval."

"Of course, everything will be fine when you are in charge, Lines." He barked. A approving smile appeared on the elves lips. "By the way, this is Harry Potter. He will reside here with me for a while now." Then Snape took Harry who looked more than a little flabbergasted by his hand and let him away from the odd welcome committee. "You will let me live here?" He asked. Snape nodded stiffly. "With you?" Harry asked with a bright smile. "Of course, what else purpose could there be?" The professor snapped. "Oh, I can see many." Harry kissed Snape briefly on the lips enjoying he needed to be on his tiptoes to do so.


Life in Snape's manour was just wonderful. The sea wasn't far away, the food was delicious and the house was gorgeous with many different room so Harry never got bored just to wonder around and look.

As Harry woke up one night he noticed Snape wasn't in bed with him. On tiptoes he went to look for the man when he suddenly heard the lovely melody of a piano. Curiously he followed all the way down to the parlor. Indeed, Severus was furiously playing the piano. The whole scene was captivating. Harry leaned himself at the doorframe, listened and watched the long and slender fingers play. "Stop staring at me."Snape ordered without diverting his attention. "I feared so. You are quite a harsh man." Harry's voice became soft. "And you love me for it." Snape stopped abruptly and turned around. The obsidian eyes met the dreamy green ones. "I take it you assult me like this every lesson?" The man snapped. "No, I wouldn't do that." Harry blushed. "I just like your hands." He swiftly looked away. Suddenly one of those cold, slim hands began caressing his jawline. A little moan escaped Harry. "What do you imagine?" Snape said in a silky voice. "I wish we-" Harry mumbled shyly -"could stay like this forever." The way Snape looked at Harry that moment could be easily mistaken for a murderous glance but Harry knew the man was just progressing his words. Then suddenly Severus got to his knees and grabbed Harry's hands whose heart missed a beat. "Harry, love, will you marry me? Severus looked more than dashing kneeling in front of him, his black hair framing his keen, intelligent face. Harry nearly forgot to breath. Certainly, he must have looked like an utter fool as he screamed "yes" like a hysterical woman.
Hence Harry already possessed a ring from Severus and didn't want another the older man demanded to have his name carved in it visibly. "People need to know you are off the market. Now that the war is over they will chase you to no end." Sighing Harry declared he wouldn't mind that. They should have made their liaison official ages ago.


 Nevertheless he was more than nervous when the day of honor came. Every war hero was invited and Harry and Severus couldn't miss it due to obvious reasons. Although no one of them wanted to go Harry told himself it was best. He had hid too many things from his friends already. He didn't want his marriage to be one of those.
Therefore he went to them straight after the festivities. Harry spotted Ron and Hermione sitting at a table near the bar. They were obviously arguing about something. Shyly Harry stepped towards them. "Hi, guys. Long time no see." He tried to sound particularly cheerful as he sat himself at the chair opposite from them. "Where have you been?" Hermione asked instantly. Harry cursed inwardly but tried to maintain his good mood. "I was at Snape's manour." He answered. "And what would you possibly want there?" Ron queried disbelievingly. "I took some days off and-"
"-Where was Snape?" Ron sounded alarmed. "That is what I kind of wanted to tell you. Snape and I are engaged." Harry said quickly and ducked his head in expectation of the thunder. But nothing of the sort happened. While Ron looked ash white like he had seen a ghost Hermione shouted triumphant: "I knew it. I damn well knew it, Harry." He gave hear a curious look. "How?" He asked weakly. "You spent so much time with him lately and his your odd behavior in class. And then the one day when he made you attend his lessons ..."
"What's with that day?" Harry asked alarmed. "Well you looked thoroughly fucked." Harry shook his head vehemently. "Did anybody else see that?" He asked desperately. "No, I don't think so." Hermione giggled. "But Harry that is unbelievable. You and him? Just how?"
"Yeah, unbelievable it is. Are you sure he didn't put you under some kind of spell, Harry?" Ron had finally recovered from the shock.


Looking back, everything seemed so clear to Harry. He needed Snape like a star needs the dark to shine. Their life together was good. Truthfully, Snape still was a git sometimes who deeply enjoyed humiliating Harry but most of the time he was kind.

Years later as Dumbledore called Harry and Snape into his office nothing had changed that. Snape was leading the most famous laboratory for potions and spells in the country by then. Harry had made his career as world famous seeker and explorer.
One morning they both went to visit the headmaster in his office. 
"Why have you called?" Severus asked immediately. "Straight to the point then." The headmaster smiled. "I have an announcement to make." He said importantly. "I have decided to retire from my position as headmaster and I would like you, Severus, to accept the duty as my descendant." Snape bowed his head deeply. "Thank you, Albus. This means a lot to me but unfortunately I have to retire."
"I name Harry as my descendant."
"I had a fair feeling you would do that." Dumbledore laughed.
"Why not? He may be too young to be considered by you but he loves this school more than anybody else. I am sure he'll do great."
"I am sure he will." Albus agreed. Then both men turned their heads to Harry who hadn't said a thing yet. Harry just hugged him. "Always, Snape."


Confession V:

So this is the end. The end of a long journey which has brought me one step closer to writing. This was my first book, a fanfiction though but I am nonetheless proud. Today I set the deadline and everything I got went online. I don't regret I haven't finished the story entirely. This leaves me the space to return.
As you may have noticed after the third sentence of mine I am neither a native speaker nor good in English. My skills gradually improved along the journey (as well as my grades). So if there's anyone out there who wants to be my beta so that my mistakes get corrected please contact me. I'm looking forward to work with you.
Contact me:

Xoxo dreamingboy

Always, SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now