The Alexins Are Coming To Earth

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An hour later

We are all sitting at the table eating when Alisa Lansky a news anchor with CBS News comes on the screen.

"Good evening everyone. We apologize for interrupting your regularly scheduled television programs, but President Anton needs to address the Nation." Alisa Lansky says.

A few seconds later President Anton is at the podium in the White House. We all get up from the table with our plates and bring them into the living room to hear the message from President Anton.

"Good evening everyone. I will not be long. I wanted to address the nation about the arrival of King Brileon. King Brileon is the King of Alexin. Alexin I have just learned is a planet in our galaxy, but it is dying. King Brileon has asked me and the other world leaders if his citizens can become citizens of Earth. I am asking that no one panic, because King Brileon is a human. His people are as well. He is a Christian and does not believe in violence. He will be arriving in August and I wanted to make you all aware of this. He has sent a substantial donation to all of the countries for our welcoming him and his people to Earth. The donation will be used to help the economy and each family will be given a $2,000 stipend to help with financial needs. He himself told me to give everyone a stipend as a thank you gift for allowing his people to live in the United States. So you can use the stipend as you see fit. He has done the same with the other nations of Earth as well." President Anton says.

"My goodness this king must be filthy rich." My mom and dad say in unison.

"How can anyone have that much money?" I ask wondering if this is a joke.

"Not sure Ala, but he has to be a loving person to do such a thing." My mom says.

"What if he has an ulterior motive?" I ask.

"My goodness Ala stop analyzing everything. There are good people in the world." My mom says.

I shut up and continue to listen to President Anton's speech.

"I have a clip of him and his wife Trisha the Queen of Alexin. I will show it to everyone before the end of this broadcast. King Brileon and his people have lost a lot of their citizens. He also asks that his people are allowed to intermarry with Earth's citizens. I ask that the citizens of the United States welcome King Brileon and his people with kindness and peace. Anyone involved in acts of violence against the Alexins will be imprisoned, because they will be citizens of the United States. The other world leaders will be addressing their nations. We will come again to introduce King Brileon and let him speak in August. If you have any concerns please contact me. Here is the clip of King Brileon and Queen Trisha have a wonderful night." President Anton says.

The clip of King Brileon and Queen Trisha starts to play.

King Brileon has on white slacks with a black dress shirt. Both the shirt and pants hug his physique showing that his muscles are well defined. He has on black Ecco 'Cairo' Apron Toe Derby Shoes. His skin tone is the color of sand like on sandy beaches. His eyes are dark brown and his hair is jet black with turquoise highlights on every strand. He is very handsome. His wife's skin tone is also the color of sand, but her hair is brown with natural waves. It is hanging straight down her back. She has on a white and black polka dot print halter neck Chiffon Maxi Dress. She has on black heels to complement the dress. She has blue eyes and is very beautiful. They make a beautiful couple.

"Wow! He is handsome!" Candace says.

"What do you know about someone being handsome you are only fifteen?" Chase asks.

"The same way you know when girls are beautiful dick head." Candace says.

My mom gasps.

"Candace Elise Kenton watch your language!" My mom chides.

"Sorry mom!" Candace replies.

I have to agree with Candace he is gorgeous, but way too old for me. I am only 16, but that doesn't stop the wet sensation I feel between my legs. My goodness what in the world is that. I have never felt that before. I bite my lower lip puzzled wondering why I am feeling like this for someone who is married.

King Brileon bends to kiss Queen Trisha. She scowls at first, then kisses him back.

"Is she crazy?! I wouldn't be scowling when he kisses me." Candace says.

"Me neither." My mom replies.

My dad playfully pops my mom on the shoulder and she giggles.

"You are a married woman with three teenage kids." My dad says.

"I know, but if I wasn't I would definitely let him kiss me." My mom says with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

"What?! Woman you go too far! That boy has nothing on me." My dad exclaims and kisses my mom passionately.

"Ugh! Dad that is gross. Just take mom in the room already." Chase says.

"Shut up Chase! When you get older you will be doing the same thing with your wife." My dad says.

I smile at them knowing that what they have is true love. I pray one day to find the same thing. It saddens me that King Brileon and his Queen are not a true match. Though in the past many royal matches were loveless. I still believe everyone deserves to find and marry their true love.

I look at the sadness in King Brileon's eyes on the television as he looks at Queen Trisha and I long to be older. If he wasn't married I would kiss him passionately and wrap my legs around his butt as he slides deep inside my wet center making me cry out his...Whoa! Ala where did that come from. I don't know the first thing about kissing someone. How in the world would I kiss him passionately and why was I just envisioning him and me together sexually? Lord, forgive me for lusting over King Brileon when he is married. Besides, I am sixteen which is way too young for sexual relations.

A feeling of sadness arises, but I ignore it. I change my thoughts to positive ones believing that one day he will find his true love. The woman God intends for him to be with. Sadly, he is already married so how could that even come to pass. Unless, he divorces or Queen Trisha dies. Both options bring sadness back. So much for thinking positive. A deep feeling of wanting him happy arises and I don't understand why. I have never met him, and never will.


Note: I changed Candace and Chase's ages. They are two years younger than Ala. Her birthday is on October 8. She will be turning 17. I hope this explains the changes I made later in the book.

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