The Leader of The Rogues

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Someone killed my son. I can care less about the other rogues that family killed, but whoever killed my son will answer to me personally.

Someone walks into my office unannounced. I rise, pull out my saber, and slice the person across the neck. The person gasps for a second as blood drains from her neck.  The wound heals rapidly and her blue snake eyes appear. Her black claws appear as she grabs me by the neck, flips me over, and slams me to the floor causing me to drop my knife.

Shit that hurt. The woman walks to me and gives me her hand. She helps me up then starts fussing.

"Dammit Jason! It's me you ass! Are you trying to kill me or something, because you should know by now that it won't work." My sister says.

"Hello Danica. How was I supposed to know? You didn't announce yourself. Any way, what the hell are you doing here? You are one aggravation I do not need right now." I tell my baby sister.

"I know who killed your son." Danica says.

I look at her waiting for her to reveal who the person is that will suffer my wrath. Danica just stands in front me smiling and looking at her nails. She continues doing the same thing for five minutes and I growl.

"Okay! Okay! But, you have to help me keep my favorite if I tell you who she is." Danica says.

Did Danica just say she? What the hell?  A woman killed my son. Intriguing. I am seriously listening. Maybe, just maybe I will have fun with this woman first. I haven't slept with a woman in three months so whoever this person is may get some dick, before I kill her of course.

Danica looks at my face and chuckles.

"I see your eyes have changed big brother showing you are very interested in who this woman is or rather young woman is." Danica says.

"What do you mean young woman?!" I ask Danica frowning. I do not rape women and do not sleep with anyone under the age of 20.  I leave those things to unsavory men with loose morals unlike myself.

Danica chuckles again.

"Jason don't look so disgusted. It doesn't suit you. Anyway, the young woman's name is Ala. She told me herself that she killed three rogues who were trying to rape her siblings. She looks to be between 18 and 20 years old." Danica says.

I immediately know something is up. Why is she my aggravating ass sister giving this information up so easy ? Unless...

My eyes widen and I start chuckling.

"What?!" Danica asks with a confused look on her face.

"Oh this is too good." I say and chuckle again. Danica walks over to me and hits me on the shoulder.

"Dammit Jason! Why are you laughing?" Danica asks getting pissed off at me.

"I figured out the reason you are helping me." I reply.

"No you haven't." Danica says.

"Yes, I believe I have. You said you wanted me to help you keep your favorite if you told me the young woman's name. Which means that the King has fallen for this girl and you are afraid she will take him from you." I reply.

Danica's face pales, then it reddens as she says, "That little bitch told me they slept together twice or maybe more last night. He brought his kids to meet her and he didn't even look at me. He ignored me for goodness sake!"

I can't help it. I burst into laughter. Danica is  a self absorbed bitch. She doesn't love King Brileon she just wants his dick and his money. I know my little sister she has been like this for over 300 years. The reason why she is pissed is, because the attention is on this Ala girl, and not on her. I just might have to see how this young woman looks for myself. She must be a beauty to get Danica this riled up.

"Shut up Jason! Stop laughing at me!" Danica orders, but I continue to laugh.

"King Brileon claimed her as his and I saw a ring on her left ring finger. He was going to ask her to marry him, but she punched him in the jaw." Danica says.

I stop laughing and start stroking my cheek that has light stubble on it. Interesting. I have to rethink this. Maybe just maybe I will take my little sister up on her offer.

Note to Readers:

Jason is 315 and Danica are 310 years old. They look like they are in their thirties. They have different fathers, but the same mother.

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