Strange Feelings

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Note To Readers: This part is a bit longer than normal I wanted to make it more steamy. Tell me what you think.


August 26, 2040

Alexandria, Louisiana

Two weeks ago King Brileon and his people arrived to Earth. He spoke after all the world leaders addressed the nations of Earth. He promised to do all he could to ensure that his people and the people of Earth remain at peace. He seems very honest causing me to believe that my mom's opinion of him is correct.

I turn on the television. A breaking news report is on.

"Sorry everyone to interrupt your regularly scheduled programs, but we just got news that King Brileon's wife Queen Trisha died two days ago after the birth of their son Prince Alton." Alisa Lansky says.

"My God! That is so awful. I hope he will be okay." I say out loud in my room.

I yawn and doze off to sleep within seconds after hearing the report from the news. I awaken a short while later to tears trailing down my face. I am not sad or thinking about anything that would make me feel that way. So, what is wrong with me? I haven't felt tears trail down my cheeks since the day I daydreamed of kissing King Brileon. I remember seeing us making love and immediately chastening myself for doing so. A short while later, I felt tears trail down my face. I thought it strange then and still do now. I get up, get some clothes, and go take a bath. A little while later I walk out the bathroom and sit on the bed with only a robe on.

Suddenly, King Brileon is picking me up. He carries me to the top of my bed, he pulls back the sheets, and lays me down.

"How did you get here?" I ask while soaking wet. One would think I would be afraid. Nope! I actually feel very comfortable with him here.

"Not sure." He replies.

He kisses me and says "I long to see your full face."

"What? You can't see my whole face? I can see yours." I ask him.

"No, I can only see your eyes and lips." He says and I realize his eyes are partially closed.

I laugh. "I see why you can't see my face fully silly open your eyes all the way." I tell him.

He tries to open his eyes all the way, but they remain as they are.

"Oh well, you tried." I reply and he laughs.

He captures my lips catching me off guard. I kiss him back and he moans. He outlines my face with his hands and says, "Though I can't see you fully, you are very beautiful."

"Thank you." I reply then say, "How can you tell?"

"I don't know. I just can." He says and I playfully push him.

"Yeah right! You are very silly." I tell him.

"I am being honest." He says, then I envision him thrusting inside me and gasp. I have no idea where the thought came from.

"It came from me." He says and looks at me with eyes filled with something I have never seen before.

"I need you so bad. I know you are only a teenager, but I can't wait." King Brileon says and in between my legs becomes extremely wet. He disrobes swiftly and moves on top of me. He unties my robe and looks down at my nude form. My breasts are still small. He takes a small mound in his smooth, muscled hand and I whimper. I feel like I am on fire. His touch is driving me crazy. I sit up and he pulls the robe off and throws it to the floor. My legs open for him and he smiles. He thrusts inside me and I whimper against his chest. If I cry out my family will hear and make him stop. I don't want him to. I need him just as bad as he needs me.

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