
14 0 0

Dallas, Texas

October 12, 2053


"Dad can I come with you this time I am thirteen years old now?" Alton asks.

"No son. You are not yet old enough to come with me. It is still too dangerous for you to come hunting rogues with us." I reply.

"But when? You always say I am not old enough. When will I be old enough to come with you?" Alton asks.

"Son you will not be ready for another five years." I reply and Alton frowns.

"So, I have to stay here all alone for that long." Alton says giving me a pitiful look.

"Alton you will not be alone. You will be here with Danica. and Ramsey." I reply.

"But, dad I don't want to stay with Danica. I don't like her." Alton says for the millionth time since I started dating her ten years ago.

"Why don't you like her Alton? Why? For once explain." I ask getting angry.

"Dad you know why just as Ramsey and everyone else does." Alton replies.

I know what he is about to say, because of Ala. I run my hands through my hair.

Ramsey walks up and I know more arguing is coming.

"Yes, we do. Ala is the reason father. You are an asshole. I can't believe you are still with that woman. One moment you said you were going to marry Ms. Ala and the next you are sleeping with Danica again. You haven't even trained me and I am 18 years old. I guess your excuse for me not coming is, because I was never trained." Ramsey says with venom in his voice. He shivers as he always does when he mentions Danica's name.

"Dammit you two! I am marrying Danica and I don't give a damn what you say. Get out of my sight." I tell them.

They look at me with hurt in their eyes. Ramsey glares at me and says, "Alton come on he is pussy whipped behind that evil bitch. He is starting to act just like her."

I flinch as if slapped and storm away pissed. I walk into my office and I am greeted by my mother,  President Anton who is still in office since no one wanted to run after these rogue attacks, first lady Barbara, and my royal guard that now includes Railyn Mr. Kenton's sister.

"What the hell are you thinking? I know damn well you are not marrying that evil bitch!" Barbara says going off on me.

"You pussy whipped idiot Danica has you wrapped around her finger. She is trying to destroy you Brileon." My mom says.

"What the hell did you do Brileon? Where is Ala? Where are your children? Man that woman is evil don't marry her. Have you lost your damn mind?" President Anton says pissed.

On and on they all take turns snapping at me.

"Enough! I am marrying Danica. I don't give a damn about that bitch Ala or her damn kids. She is a whore and will always be." I reply without thinking as I have a habit of doing before I speak.

Barbara, Railyn, and my mother walk up individually and slap me across the face. They walk out the room followed by everyone else. Mr. Kenton and Mrs. Kenton are no where in sight. They are the only two people in my guard not here.

I sit down at my desk and put my head in my hands. I am so miserable it is ridiculous. I can't find her. She won't talk to me. I just called her a whore and she is not. If there is anyone who is a whore it is me. I miss her with every fiber of my being. I ache for her still even after all these years. Danica is nothing compared to Ala. I am marrying Danica because she is great in bed and I need a queen. Our match is not a love match. I lied. Tears start falling down my face in torrents and I start weeping. I don't know that there is someone listening at the door. Someone who is not very happy, because my heart still belongs to another.

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