Part 2: Brileon's Return

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There is no one who holds my heart but you. I love you Ala. I always will." Brileon whispers in my ear.

Sirens go off and I jump up startled.

I grab my racing heart and look around my room. There is no one here. Sirens are still going off so I look around again, and then, "It is me. The portal is closed. You will no longer hear the sirens." Brileon says against my ear. I jump startled as his lips brush my ear.

"Whoa! What are you doing?! Get away Brileon! We are not married!" I snap as I push him off my bed. He tumbles to the floor and shrieks.

I scramble off the bed and help him up. It is then that I notice his chest is bare. Lash marks cover his chest and back.

"I apologize I didn't know you were whipped."

"Apology accepted."

"Wait! How did you get here?"

"You seem to forget I can teleport."

"No, I remember. I just don't understand why you chose to teleport here."

Brileon runs his hands through his hair and sits on my bed. "I need your help to stop Danica and reclaim all I lost."

My eyebrow arches upward as I look at him. He is still very handsome, but he has lost some of his muscle tone. He looks like he hasn't eaten in days. His black and blue hair has grey in it. His eyes are filled with sadness, and he reaches for me. I back away and he bursts into tears. The urge to hug him rises, but I ignore it. I refuse to get close to him again. My life has been an utter mess. The men I dated thought I was trashy and just wanted sex. I have since given up with the whole dating thing. Lindsey and Layla are sharing a town house. Logan is married and has two kids. Bree is...

"Papa! You're here." Bree shouts as she runs up to him. She comes to an abrupt halt before she hugs him and starts chewing on her lower lip. She turns around and walks over to me then bursts into tears.

I hug my baby girl and kiss her forehead. She is 21 now. So much has happened. My poor baby is an emotional wreck. I am too. I just cannot let him see it. I want to wrap my arms around him and weep. I cannot and I will not. He does not love me. He chose Danica over us.

"Ssh, baby girl. All will be okay. You have to stay calm for the baby."

"Baby?! What baby?!" Brileon shouts and we both flinch.

"Brileon, do not shout in here. Bree is already on bed rest. She does not need you snapping at her."

"I apologize, I just did not expect her to be pregnant. When did she get a boyfriend and why didn't you let me know."

"Really! You really have the audacity to ask me why I did not tell you."

"Mom please, seeing you upset also upsets me. I know you and dad are not on the best of terms, but can you at least have a civil conversation." Bree says through tears.

I let her go and walk over to the table with my Kleenex on it. I grab the box as she walks over and hand it to her.

"Thanks mom." Bree says as she grabs a few. She wipes her face and smiles at me.

A smile lights my face and I pull her into a hug. I cannot help it. She always can make me smile even during the darkest days.

She hugs me back and says, "Mom, you are such a softy."

"Ssh! I know, just let me hug you."

Brileon smiles and mercy! If it wasn't for all the pain, I endured over him in the past...

"I knew you still had feelings for me." Brileon says as he walks towards us.

I glare at him, and Bree smiles so only I can see it. She steps out of my arms and rubs her baby bump. Anger at Brileon subsides as I gently place my hand on my daughter's tummy. My grandchild kicks and Bree's eyes light up. "Momma, did you feel that?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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