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Alexandria, Louisiana

It is early June, and I am already drenched in sweat from the heat. My family and I are outside. My mom and Candace are picking vegetables from the garden. My dad and Chase are mowing the lawn. I am picking satsumas, figs, and blueberries. My mom makes preserves with the blueberries and figs. I make blueberry dumplings. We eat the satsumas as snacks throughout the day. I swipe sweat from my forehead, but I can feel the moisture between my growing breasts. Geez! This Louisiana heat can kill someone. I take a swig of Smart Water hoping it will quench my thirst. Nope! I need more than just a swig. I drink half the bottle and run inside to wet a hand towel for each of us. I come back outside and hand everyone a hand towel with cool water. My dad's sand complexion is now partially red even though he used sun screen.

"Thanks Ala! Can you get us some Smart Water as well we are dying out here?" My dad says.

"Yes, dad. I will be right back." I reply. I run inside and pick up four ice cold bottles of Smart Water. I push the screen door open with my foot and head outside. Chase meets me and takes two bottles. One is for him and the other is for Candace. I hand my dad and mom a bottle.

"Andrew I think we need to call it a day. I am completely drained from this heat. I am pretty sure you and the kids are as well." My mom says.

"I have to agree with you Lizzy. Ala, Chase, and Candace bring the crops in. I am bringing your mom inside she looks like she is about to pass out." My dad says.

"Ok, dad." We all say in unison.

My dad scoops my mom up into his arms and brings her inside.

Ten minutes later we are all inside sitting in the air conditioned house.

I get up, wash my hands, and prepare to start cooking some lasagna.

"Ala what are you doing?" My mom asks.

"Cooking lasagna." I reply.

"Baby, you don't have to do that. I was about to get up and cook." My mom replies.

"Momma rest. I got this. I am cooking dinner tonight." I reply.

"I will fix a salad." Candace says wanting to help.

"I will fix some banana pudding. If that is okay with everyone?" Chase says.

He loves to fix desserts.

"Yes, that is fine." We all reply to Chase's question.

"Lizzy our kids are growing up. I am so proud of them for cooking dinner for us." My dad says.

"Me too." My mom replies.

"Kids we are going to rest for a little while since you are cooking." My dad says.

"Yeah we know what resting you are talking about doing." Chase says while smirking.

My dad whacks Chase across the back of the head and Candace and I crack up laughing.

"Well it's the truth." Chase says.

My dad glares at Chase and he shuts up. They go to their room and "rest". We all know that Chase was correct that they are not "resting" at all.


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