Our Baby Is Fine

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I was ordered by King Leon Triston to marry Brileon. My soul mate is and always will be Joshua Bricard. I had his son and was going to marry him. I begged and pleaded with Brileon's father to find someone else since I had found my soul mate. He would not hear of it. I was to marry his son and argue no more. I left our son and my soul mate to be with Brileon. Every night I cry wanting my son and to be in Joshua's arms.

Brileon doesn't know that Joshua and I killed his father. Actually, with the help of a guy that was not from Liria or Alexin named Alorion. He gave us a toxin that resembles a rose, but is not. The toxin you crush up and release into bodies of water. As it merges with the water it pollutes the air, the crops, and kills off anything or anyone that drinks it. If you eat the crops you die within minutes. This by far is worse than the Litzyfruit disease. I was vaccinated against it as well as Joshua. So, naturally when everyone on Alexin started wearing oxygen masks I did not. I figured I was immune to it. Once I started getting sick, I decided to take the cure that Brileon's grandmother created. Somehow she didn't get sick from it either. She wore an oxygen mask, but in truth she did not have to. It was like she was naturally immune to it. I soon realized that Joshua and Alorion had not given me an actual vaccination. I overheard them talking one day after my marriage to Brileon. I wanted to see Joshua and my son so I told Brileon a lie that I wanted to go shopping for maternity clothes though I had not yet conceived Alton.


"Joshua does Queen Trisha suspect that you did not give her the cure for the Rosarian Red Bubonic Plague?" Alorion asks.

"No, and I don't plan on telling her. She is so naïve. She thought me in love with her. All, I wanted was that pussy. I don't even want the brat she gave me to raise since she decided to follow King Leon's order to wed Prince Brileon." Joshua says.

"So, what will you do with the boy?" Alorion asks.

"I don't know. I guess I will give him to Francesca. She has always wanted a son. She is my wife you know." Joshua says.

I gasp and quickly cover my mouth hoping they did not hear me.

"Did you hear something?" Alorion asks.

"No, man. I didn't hear nothing." Joshua says.

"I could have sworn I heard someone gasp." Alorion says.

"Man you are hearing things. There is no one here, but us. Besides Queen Trisha wouldn't be coming here she is in the palace fucking King Brileon. The bitch lied to me. She said she would love me forever, yet she goes and marries the prince." Joshua says.

"Joshua it sounds to me like you do love Trisha. Why did you marry Francesca anyway?" Alorion asks.

"Man you know they don't let no Alexin citizen marry anyone of the royal bloodline." Joshua says.

"True! I understand more than you know." Alorion says.

I quickly run away not able to bear anymore. Joshua is married. I slept with a married man. I killed King Leon out of spite and pray I don't rot in hell for my actions. I pray asking God for forgiveness. Tears trail down my face as I realize I will never see my son Ramsey again. What a mess? I run back to the palace go into my room and lock the door. I don't want Brileon touching me. I never have and never will enjoy his touch. I will be miserable for the rest of my life.

Flashback ended


"Trisha! Earth to Queen Trisha!" Barbara says causing me to come out of the reverie about my evil deeds towards the Alexins and my husband's father.

"Yes, I am sorry." I reply putting on a fake smile.

"Girl where were you. You looked like you were in another world." Barbara says.

"Sorry, I was daydreaming. What's up?" I reply.

"I could tell. Dr. Mariah Ricardo was talking to you." Barbara says.

"Sorry, Dr. Ricardo what were you saying?" I ask.

"It's okay girl. I understand. I just had a baby three months ago." Dr. Ricardo says.

"I was telling you that your son is fine. You are as well. I see no signs of sickness in either of you. I will give you some prenatal vitamins for the remainder of your pregnancy, but otherwise you both are completely fine." Dr. Ricardo says.

I smile for real this time. I am so happy. Thank God! My son is healthy and so am I. We will both live and this time I will not give him away for anyone to raise. I will try and make my marriage work with Brileon even though I do not love him.


First Lady Barbara and President Anton's baby are also healthy. We walk out the White House and Barbara starts talking about where I can find maternity clothes, baby items, and furniture. I would love to go to the shops and she says she will ask Brileon and her husband if we can go together. I smile. I also pray again that God forgives me for killing King Leon and so many Alexins. I even caused animals to die. Have mercy! Father please forgive me for my sins. I pray. I am instantly sad, but I smile through it so no one will know that something is bothering me.

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