Our Bond Still Remains

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October 13th

(around 12 p.m.)



King Brileon pulls me away from Dr. Ramsey and yells, "Sweetheart you are going to kill Dr. Ramsey!"


King Brileon pulls me into his arms. He removes the blanket from around me and lifts me into his arms. I lay my head against his chest and he walks me over to the sofa. He sits down and wraps the blanket around us both. I realize that he is shivering too. I hear someone shut the front door and lock it. I also hear someone lighting the fireplace in the living room. After a few minutes I am immediately warm and the shivers stop. King Brileon also stops shivering.

King Brileon kisses my forehead and says, "Ala I am so sorry! I am an asshole! Please forgive me."

Tears fall down his cheeks and I wipe them away. He smiles and kisses my fingers then he asks,

"Is there more Ala? If you don't want to continue I will understand, but please baby tell me what else that lunatic did to you?" King Brileon says with concern in his eyes for me.

I try not to read too much into it since he broke my heart ten years ago.

"Yes, there is. It was his twisted ass form of revenge. I killed his son and he not only wanted revenge. He wanted to break me. He intended for all of us to die, but not before he got a taste of me. I fell for him, have mercy, I fell for him, he was so romantic, and a complete gentleman at first. We dated for a year. We took the kids to the zoo, to the movies, and out to eat. He even asked me to marry him. He encouraged me to adopt a teenager named Brock whose mother had just passed away a few months before. Brock was homeless and didn't have any other family members. He formed an immediate attachment to Brock and paid his tuition to the University of Houston." I tell King Brileon.

"Where is Brock now?" King Brileon asks.

"He took him! He told me before he left me for dead that Brock would never see me again. I took his son and he would take mine since Brock reminded him so much of the son he lost." I reply becoming hysterical again.

"Calm yourself sweetheart! I know it is hard, but please finish telling us what happened." King Brileon says as he kisses my forehead again.

"We are all right here Ala. No one will let that creep hurt you again." Dr. Ramsey says and everyone agrees.

"Okay." I reply and finish telling them what happened three years ago.

"Before we got to the room where the kids were Jason's phone started ringing. He stepped away and Renee told the guy with the cat eyes to drown me. I apologized to her for sleeping with her intended. I realized too late that it was a waste of time. She was enraged. She said she smelled the fetus though my monthly had just stopped. How the hell was I supposed to know I was two months pregnant? One minute I was pleading with her, and the next I was being dropped in a huge barrel of water with chains on my wrists. I blacked out as water filled my lungs. A short while later I woke up spewing water from my lungs. Jason was kneeling over me. He had saved my life. I tell you I have never seen one person change from nice, to a complete loon so fast. Jason put his head close to my stomach and his eyes filled with rage."

"One moment he was saving my life, and the next I was dragged into the room with the kids. Jason cut Lindsey on both sides of her face. He cut off the two fingers that are missing on Layla's hand, and Logan was so enraged he broke the chains binding his wrists. Logan rushed Jason and crushed his leg. I heard bones snapping, but Jason got up a few minutes after Logan broke the chains from my wrists. Jason only had a limp and we instantly knew he was no human. One minute he was across the room, and the next he was slamming Logan to the ground. I pleaded with Jason to leave our children alone, but he didn't care. He crushed the bones in Logan's left leg. That is why Logan has so much pain. Thank God he can walk now, for almost a year he couldn't." I reply as tears start to fall down my face, but I know I have to continue.

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