Trisha's Note To Me

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King Brileon

August 26, 2040

(Two days later)

Alton and I just came home from the hospital. I put him in his crib and roll the crib into my room since Trisha is dead. I want him in my room until he gets old enough to go into his room across the hall.

Lana walks in with sadness in her eyes.

"King Brileon Queen Trisha told me to give this to you if she did not make it after the birth of Alton." Lana says handing me a sealed envelope with my name on it.

I take the envelope and Alton starts crying.

"I will get him. He is probably hungry or wet." Lana says.

Lana picks up Alton, his diaper bag, and carries him across the hall into the nursery.

I open the sealed envelope and read its contents.


I am sorry for my ill treatment of you. Though we were not true soul mates you were always very kind and compassionate to me. I have tried and failed to tell you this in person. If I die today, I cannot leave here with this on my soul. God has forgiven me and I pray one day you will as well.

It was I and the guy who I thought was my soul mate who caused the destruction of Alexin's environment. The guy in question's name is Joshua Bricard. I know you know him. He is a pilot in the Alexin Space force.

A guy named Alorion who I know was not from Liria or Alexin gave us what looked like a red rose. It was not. I learned it was very toxic. Once it is crushed and introduced into the water supply it causes everything to die. I am saying I am responsible for your father's death, the millions of people that died deaths, the animals, and the whole planet's death. I wanted revenge Brileon for having to marry you when I wanted to marry Joshua. I have a son named Ramsey.

After killing millions, I found out that Joshua was married and had no intention on marrying me. I was stupid, full of rage, and have killed innocent people Brileon. It is for this fact that I am being punished and will not live pass our son's birth. The toxin your grandmother was immune to. I was told I was given a vaccination, but learned I actually did not get one. When, I finally took the vaccination (the one your grandmother created) it was too late. Thank God I lived to give birth to our son Alton.

I ask that you find Alorion and Joshua. Also, please find Ramsey and if it is not too much raise him as your own. As if he was ours. I overheard Joshua saying that he would let his wife Francesca raise him. Before I forget the flower that resembles a red rose causes what Alorion called, "The Rosarian Red Bubonic Plague." I have no idea who Rosarians are or where they come from. Finally, I say this. Find her the girl who is your soul mate. You have been crying out for her. Though I know you will not remember, because you always cry out for her in your sleep. Marry her Brileon and love her. Your bond with her is stronger than any Alexin's bond in the history of Alexin. I know I was an Alexin history major. I never told you this, but I saw the tears you tried to quickly dry the day we left Alexin. I saw the sheen of them through your space suit. You are a wonderful man Brileon and I pray that you will be happy with her whoever she is for the rest of your life. Please tell Alton and Ramsey I will love them always.

God Bless



I can't believe Trisha, my good friend Joshua, and this Alorion all had parts in the deaths of not only my father, but the millions of citizens who died on Alexin. My God! This is too much! I am so pissed I pick up the nearest object which is a chair and hurl it across the room. It shatters the balcony glass and goes flying off the balcony landing onto the ground.  No one was around.

"Thank God!" I exclaim still holding the note in my hand which is now crumpled up.

Lana, Jared, and Kirsten run onto the balcony.

"My God Brileon what happened?!" Jared asks.

I hand him the crumpled note and he reads it aloud. After he is done reading it everyone starts cussing.

"Have mercy! She must have lost her mind!" Kirsten says.

"Thank God baby Alton is still asleep. I am pretty sure everyone heard that. Are you okay?" Lana says.

"No I am furious! My dad was just concerned for the well fair of our people. Trisha and those two men took it too far. I understand she was in love with the guy, but goodness I don't want love if it is going to make you kill a million people." I reply.

"Brileon. Love does not make you kill anyone. Remember God is love. What Trisha and those two men did was pure evil. I suspect that is why she died after Alton's birth. It wasn't the disease, but the guilt of her actions that killed her. I do believe as she said that God forgave her, now my friend all any of us can do is move on. What is in the past is gone. We must live for today and I agree with her on two things. To find your soul mate and marry her. Also, to find Trisha's son Ramsey. That child does not need to be raised by those evil people. I believe that is why she asks you to raise him as your own, because she knows you are not evil Brileon." Jared replies.

"Can I have a few moments alone? I will contact you all in a little while. We are going to track down Joshua and find Ramsey." I reply.

"Okay Bri take as much time as you need." Jared says.

He pulls me into a hug. I return his hug trying to fight back tears. The news of Trisha's treachery is literally eating me up inside.

"If what Trisha said is true then your bond with the young teenage girl is indeed strong. If you could feel her all the way on Alexin and she was on Earth. I am sure you can feel her even more so here. Try and find her Bri." Jared says and looks at me with sadness in his eyes. He steps away and walks out with Kirsten.

"I will watch Alton for you King Brileon as long as you need me to." Lana says.

I walk over to her and give her a hug. Tears are falling down her face. She too lost her whole family to the toxin that Trisha, and Joshua released into the waters killing millions. She returns my hug, steps away and departs my quarters. Lana closes the door on her way out.

Tears start to fall down my face. Have mercy Jesus! Trisha, Joshua, and this Alorion killed my father and all those people on Alexin. Many of those people were my friends. I pray that bitterness and hatred doesn't fill my heart. As Jared said that happened in the past, but goodness it is still hard to believe. If this Alorion is on Earth then the citizens are not safe. I run my hand through my hair wondering what the hell to do. If I alert President Anton and the world leaders too soon they will think I have lost my mind. I will wait until I have proof that he is here on Earth, because honestly he may not even be here. He may still be somewhere in space. Once I have proof I will contact the world leaders and do everything in my power to end his existence. I will also hold on to this letter from Trisha as proof of her treachery just in case people do not believe me.

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