Race To Save My Sons

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King Brileon

"Brileon! I saw Nathan try to kill Ramsey and Alton. Danica is with him they are chasing after your sons as we speak." Railyn says eyes filled with worry. Mr. Kenton comes up right behind Railyn.

"What the fuck! Assemble the others we go now!" I say shaking in rage as I grab my gun. "If I get my hands on Nathan he will not see tomorrow."

"You! Ramsey and Alton are like grandsons to me.  Railyn told me and I already called everyone. Jared, Lana, Kirsten, your mom, and my wife are all outside waiting for us." Andrew Kenton says.

Mr. Kenton, Railyn, and I run outside as he said everyone is waiting for us.

"What is going on?" They all say in unison.

"Nathan tried to kill Ramsey and Alton. Danica is not who she says she is. She stopped Nathan from killing Alton only to use him as leverage against his father." Mr. Kenton says.

"What?! My mom shrieks. I will kill that woman and that man." My mom says.

Anton and Barbara run up eyes full of concern. "Brileon your mom told us. We are coming." They both say.

"I will kill them both." Jared says face turning red as we all jump into two Dodge Durango's with three seats and speed off.

"Where would Ramsey and Alton go?" I ask. "I am so stupid." I reply afterward.

"Bri shut up! I believe we all have been there one way or another. It is not time for a pity party. It is time to man up and find your sons before Nathan and that leech do." Jared says.

"I don't even know which way to go." I reply feeling like a horrible parent.

"I know where Alton is headed." Mrs. Kenton says as she looks as Mr. Kenton.

"Where?" I ask losing patience.

"To Ala." They say in unison.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"She is in Galveston at our beach house. Head to the airport it is the faster way. We can beat them there or damn well try. If not I pity Nathan and Danica." Mr. Kenton says.

"She isn't there! My God I have to rush there before my sons are killed." I reply freaking out.

"Brileon shut up! Trust me my daughter and your children are there. I feel her with every fiber of my being." Her dad says and I smile knowing that her dad is right to pity Nathan and Danica.

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