Jason Repents

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Not Fully Edited!


I awake in the sickbay of the spaceship we arrived on feeling like shit! My eyes take a few moments to adjust to the bright florescent lights.

"Thank you Jesus!" I say out loud.

"Yes, I agree. You definitely need to be thanking him, because you should have died Jason. It was God alone who forgave you. I saw when those demons came for you." Brock says with a serious expression on his face.

Memories resurface of my near hell experience



"Do you want to live or die?" I hear an unfamiliar, yet familiar voice ask.

"Who are you?" I ask, but a part of me that has been hidden for over two hundred years knows who it is.

"It is me Jesus. Jason, you have a decision to make, because death and hell are coming for you. If you want to live you must repent and follow me. If you want to die then ignore me, never repent, and your eternity will be in hell with Satan." Jesus says then there is silence.

Suddenly, the room gets extremely cold. The gates of hell open, and these two hideous looking creatures...um...(demons is what Ala would call them) fly out of hell.

I want to roar, scream, do something, but I feel chained to the bed.

I hear someone shout, "He is flat lining! Brock call the rest of your family quick!" The female doctor whose name I can't even remember says.

"His mother and sister don't care about him. They are not coming. My cousin Lucy and I are the only two people who care about Jason. I would call Lucy, but she is too young to come in here." Brock says and it is then that my sins hit me full force.

My life starts flashing before my eyes and I want desperately to rewind and redo everything over again. Just as I realize that dating Ala started to change me. With her, I wanted to be good, and not evil. I could never achieve it though. I had done so much evil. I hurt, killed, stole, allowed men to rape innocents, and realized that it was just as much their fault as it was mine. As their leader, it was my responsibility to lead them on the right path. I realized while dating Ala, I had no idea what the right path was, but she did.

Now, if I could shed tears I would. I nearly killed Ala, and just tried to rape her. I nearly killed her children as well. All of them cared for me before I hurt them. I now also realize that God was using them to minister to me. I remember the days we would all pray together though I didn't believe anything would ever come of it. I also never believed that Jesus who she called the, 'One True God', was real. My parents thought of themselves as gods and taught us to believe the same. We didn't even believe in Satan and hell. Ala, told me they were both real, but I wouldn't listen. Brock's real mother also taught him about God and Satan. So, when Ala adopted him, all she did was reinforce what he already believed. Now, I know that she was telling me the truth. Now, it maybe too late for me to repent from my sins.


As the demons walk closer I hear, "I don't see your father making it through this. From the life he has lived I don't see him going to heaven, but who knows maybe this is God's wake up call for him." The female doctor says sounding very pessimistic.

Then I hear, "Uncle Daddy! No, uncle daddy! Please don't die! My mother doesn't love me. I know you do even though you will never admit it. You promised to take me to my father." Lucy says.

"Please! Lord Jesus! Please help him. I know he is a bad man, and he has done a lot of evil. If he asks please forgive him and let him live." Lucy says sounding hysterical as I hear her tiny footsteps. I can't see her, but I feel her running into the room.

Lucy's words pierce my heart and for once in my life...um maybe it is in death I feel guilt. I feel a conviction so strong if I was not in this bed, about to be dragged to hell, I would be falling to my knees weeping.

So, with the last bit of life left in me, before I die completely, I call out to God and say, "Lord Jesus! Please forgive me for all the evil I have done. I ask your forgiveness for not believing you are real. I also ask that you forgive me for all I have done against you, and you're daughter Ala. Please teach me your ways, and keep me from death. Teach me how to love, and help me to forgive those who have wronged me so my sins may be forgiven. Finally, I need you to teach me each day how to serve and obey you. Amen!" I pray.

God forgives me and the demons of hell return back to hell.

Flashback ended


Brock is 21 now. He is more of a son to me than the son that Ala killed in 2043. I look around the room wondering where Lucy is, than I realize that Brock sent her back to her room. My mother, Danica, and Renee are no where around. I figured as much though. My father whose name was Panton was the only one who really cared for me. He changed his name to Paul right before my mom had him killed. She said he was too soft, because he believed in Jesus. He like Ala knew that their was only one God. He died, because of his beliefs. I nearly did the same, because her husband Prilon believed that he was a god. Thus, that is where that foolish belief that we were all gods came from. He was the one who taught me to torture people, and commit all types of evil. At that time, I was merely eleven years old, and easily denied God, since I thought Prilon's torture was worse than death. Boy was I completely wrong. I should have endured the torture, and died with my father. At least, I would have died in love, and been with Christ. For over three hundred years, I lived without that unconditional love my father taught me Christ has for me. My father I now realized loved me unconditionally as best as he could. Tears starts to fall down my cheeks in torrents and I weep like a little boy. Brock walks over to me. He takes my hand and says, "Though you stole me from my mom. I still love you Jason. Just as God loves you."

Why couldn't my mom, and sister care for me like this? Then thoughts of Danica arise.

Danica no doubt thinks she is now the head of the family. I already know where she is, then I hear the door to the sick bay open and a beautiful mixed eleven year old girl rushes to me. Her beautiful bluish gray eyes are sad, and tears are rapidly falling down her light brown skinned cheeks.

"Uncle Daddy! Thank God you are alive!" Lucy says then she gasps realizing the portal is still open. A look of panic crosses her face and I grab her hand.

"It is okay Lucy do not panic. Your mom is not here to hear you say God's name and punish you for it." Brock says.

Lucy sighs and grabs onto my hand."Good! Now can we get uncle out of here, before my evil mother and grandmother returns." Lucy says.

Brock looks at me as if asking for permission.

"Yes, but how do you plan on moving me?" I ask.

"Just wait and see Uncle Daddy! Just wait and see!" Lucy says and for once when I smile I feel joy fill my heart.

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