Broken Promises

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President Anton boys and King Brileon boys are playing the Wii in the next room with Lucian and Chase.

Candace, First Lady Barbara, her daughter, and I are in my room. My stomach growls and I say,


"Are you hungry sweetheart?" First lady Barbara asks.

"Yes, but I will be fine while the President and King Brileon talk in private." I reply.

"No you will not. I know that bulge young woman. I have had three of my own. You need to eat Ala. You are with child." First lady Barbara says.

"Actually with children." I say and she gasps.

"My goodness I will be an auntie to twins. Yay!" First Lady Barbara says and I look at Candace.

Candace shrugs her shoulders and smiles. I smile as well as First Lady Barbara starts talking again.

"They are for Brileon aren't they?" First Lady Barbara asks and I feel a blush rising on my pecan cheeks.

"Yes, ma'am they are his."

"I knew it." First lady Barbara shrieks like a teenage girl and runs up to me. She hugs me and her daughter follows.

"I will have new babies to spoil." First lady Barbara says.

"Me too! Oh, I bet they will be adorable." Her daughter says.

I hear running up the stairs and both President Anton and King Brileon come rushing into my room.

"What happened? Are you all okay?" They both say in unison.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! We are going to be an auntie and uncle again." First lady Barbara says with so much joy I can't help but laugh.

"What?! When?!" President Anton says and looks at my stomach for the first time.

"Yes, finally! She is the one! Hallelujah!" President Anton says and I look at Candace again.

Candace chuckles and King Brileon shakes his head at the President and First Lady.

The twins start moving and First Lady Barbara feels them.

"My goodness they are moving already. You aren't even far enough along yet." First Lady Barbara says.

"Yes, I know. It has actually only been a few days since we..." I start to say, gasp, and start choking after I realize what I just revealed.

Both the President and First Lady laugh at me. Followed by Candace and their daughter.

King Brileon looks at me with those darn changing color eyes of his and smiles. I feel the blush that rises on my pecan cheeks and he walks closer.

"Um...come everyone. Let's go get Ala and the twins something to eat." First Lady Barbara says.

I gasp knowing exactly what she is doing.

"No stay, I will go and fix myself something to eat." I say rising.

I start walking towards the door and Brileon grabs me by the waist. I gasp at the heat of his touch as it seeps through the material of the dress I am wearing onto my skin. I become instantly wet between my legs.

"Nonsense, Ala. We are more than happy to leave you too alone, and go get you something to eat." President Anton says.

"Our godchildren have to be born healthy." First Lady Barbara says and winks at me.

I know what that wink means. She wants us to make love.

"Oh no! Brileon let me go. You sir are forgetting Danica." I reply trying to move out of his arms, but he refuses to let me go.

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