Even Through Assault I am The Victor

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Not fully edited!

A bit longer than normal


A shiver runs down my spine and I look around.

"Ala what is it?" Brileon asks.

I don't answer. I pray I am wrong. Please Lord, let me be wrong.

I move away my eyes are searching the perimeter. My body stiffens. Only one person can make me feel this way. I move to pull my saber, and realize I am in handcuffs.

"Shit!" I cuss as I see him.

He laughs and all the blood drains from my face. How did he find me? More importantly, who told him that I was still alive. I cringe as he approaches.

"Hello Ala! Miss me." Jason says.

I tell myself to stand tall and stop cringing. My body listens thank God. I stare him straight in the eyes and say, "Hello Jason! No, I  can't say I missed you at all."


"That's Jason?!" Candace, Railyn, Lana, and Kirsten all ask at the same time looking at me.

"Yes." I reply.

"Damn he is gorgeous!" They all say in unison.

Yes, I do agree with them he is gorgeous, but he also tried to kill me and my children. He looks like a male model with his brown skin and gray eyes. His muscled physique attracts many women. I realized my folly in dating him far too late. He is vane, evil, loves torturing, and mutilating people, and he is engaged to Renee. Well, actually, they should be married by now. Oh, and he is the leader of the rogues.

Brileon looks pissed. His jaw is clenched. He glares at Lana and Kirsten. Something silent passes between them. They clamp their mouths shut and stand at attention.

Jason chuckles.

"So, this is King Brileon. The excessively, rich, handsome, pretty boy from Alexin. Though, I do think I should hold the title of handsome, pretty boy." Jason says flexing his muscles and smiling showing all his white teeth. I roll my eyes. Have mercy! Now, he is flaunting his good looks.

"Goodness gracious! Get over yourself! What the hell do you want Jason?" I ask with a scowl on my face.

"You! In my arms again. I promise not to try and kill you this time. I realized my son's actions led to his death. You were absolutely right in killing him. I don't like men who force themselves on women. My son knew that, but he chose to try and rape your sister anyway." Jason says as he starts walking closer to me. I back up as he continues to advance then I hear the bones in his arms shift. His arm extends, black fur appears on his arms, the nails on his fingers fall off, and claws you would see on a wild jungle cat surface. Before I can react Jason reaches out and snatches me forward. His claws are so sharp they go through both of my shirts and pierce the skin on my stomach. I shriek and he retracts his claws.

"What the fuck?! Did you just see that shit? His arm just extended. He has black fur on his arm and his nails are now claws. Is anyone as freaked as I am right now?" Ramsey asks all at once speaking to no one in particular.

No one answers Ramsey, but they don't have to. Their mouths are wide open and the color has drained from their faces.

Jason chuckles than his eyes turn yellow with the black pupils like the guy he killed years before. He pulls me closer to him. He sniffs my neck and says,

"I miss the way you smell Ala!" Eew! crosses my mind as I cringe and try to squirm out of his vise like grip.

"You're crazy! You don't even like me! You and your people nearly killed me and my children years ago!" I snap at him.

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