I know who I truly love

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Note: Not fully edited!

King Brileon

"Dammit Brileon I can hear your thoughts! Don't pretend to have selective amnesia with me. You know damn well why I didn't tell you and why I haven't contacted you. It was your request that I not contact you. The only reason why you found me is because of God. God was the only one who knew what would happen to Ramsey and Alton. He made sure I was at my father's safe house when they came seeking my help. I had no idea I would see you again. I was hoping I would never ever lay eyes on you again, but I see that was not in God's plan." Ala says.

Her words pierce me. They hurt, because I know she speaks the truth. It is nobody's fault, but my own that she feels that way. If I would not have left her for Danica I would not be going through this. I run my hands through my hair as Ala turns the shower faucets off. She walks out the shower, picks up a towel off the rack, and starts drying herself off. I follow her and do the same thing.

Once she is dry she puts on her pajamas while I wrap a dry towel around my waist. I have an extra outfit in the back of the SUV, but I cannot walk outside like this. Ala walks out the bathroom and opens the door to her closet. She pulls out a stool and I walk up to her.

"What are you getting Ala? I can reach it." I tell her.

"There is a Jos A Banks bag up there pull it down please." Ala says.

I pull the bag down and hand it to her. She doesn't take it.

"Here Ala. I thought you wanted this bag."

"What am I going to do with a Jos A Banks bag? I am not a man. I cannot wear men's clothes." Ala says snapping at me.

"Dammit Ala stop snapping at me! How was I supposed to know it has men's clothes in it?" I tell her.

I look in the bag and pull out a pair of black Jos A Banks dress pants with a turquoise dress shirt and a matching tie. There is also a pack of boxers, t-shirts, and black sleep pants. I look at the sizes and they are all my size.

"Was this for Jason?" I ask though I already know they are not. We are different sizes.

Ala glares at me and snaps. "Really! Who the hell has turquoise highlights? I bought it for you Brileon! I bought something similar to it ten years ago before I knew you were never coming back. I returned that gift years ago. A month ago I was at the mall with the kids and they said they wanted to buy this for you. I bought it and realized I could never send it to you. I planned on returning all of it, but never had the chance to." Ala says.

She walks away from me pissed and I look down at the gift knowing she isn't revealing the whole truth to me. No woman has ever bought me anything besides my mom. Tears fall down my face as I realize that Danica's words years before were accurate. Ala is a gem. She is precious, rare, courageous, loving, and virtuous. She has a pure heart and spirit. I realize that I do not deserve her.

I pull out a pair of underwear, a t-shirt, and the black sleep pants. I put on all the items and walk over to her.

"How is it you know my size?" I ask her and move to pull her in my arms.

Ala backs up and I follow her.

"Does it matter? The clothes are from the kids. Do not read anything more into it Brileon?" Ala says, but her nipples harden under her pajama shirt.

I bite my lip and close the distance between us. I grab her around the waist and pull her to me. I claim her lips gently with my own. Ala winces a little then she moans against my lips. I stop kissing her lips not wanting to hurt her more than I am sure she is already hurting. I kiss her just below her ear lobe and start kissing a path down her neck. Ala cries breathlessly, "Bri!...Le-awn! Please!"

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