Finale: Without Him

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Bree cries every night for Brileon. In all honesty, so do I. I often sit here holding my pregnant belly wondering if I made the right decision to divorce him. Surely, we could have worked our marital problems out. Right? This is so hard. My heart aches without him.

"Dear girl, you are going to drive yourself crazy. You keep blaming yourself for Brileon's unfaithful habits." Dr. Denton says.

Yes, they have found me. Well, in all actuality Kaylee told her grandparents. Mrs. Denton is still alive. I truly believe she is still here, because she wants to see the birth of her last grandchild.

Breaking news! Flashes across the screen while we sit in my living room. My kids, our grandparents, my siblings, and their families, and The Stevens. My friend Dr. Robert Stevens, his wife Kristen, and their two kids. At least their still together. Just as Chase and Lana are still together. They have two boys now.

"Alisa Lansky Sky reporting tonight with Justin Francois." comes across the telvid in my home.

"Good morning everyone! Sorry, to interrupt your regularly scheduled programs. We have breaking news from the newly wed couple King Brileon Triston and Queen Danica Triston. The couple is expecting a baby. Yes, you heard it right! A new addition to the Triston family will be born in 7 months." Alisa Lansky Sky says and I get off the sofa.

I head upstairs to my room and sit on the bed. I try to contain my misery, but I cannot. I burst into tears and lay across the bed to sob in sadness.

Candace rushes into my room and rubs my back while I sob. "Aw...sis I am so sorry. We both knew that this would eventually happen, but damn it hurts so bad." She says then she starts bawling.

Mrs. Denton walks in with the use of her hi tech wheel chair. It allows her to walk into the room and sit once she gets exhausted. Once she reaches the bed she changes the function of the wheelchair so she can sit comfortably in it. She touches both of us and says, "This really sucks! I can't believe my grandson and his friend. Just a year and a half ago they were telling me how happy they were to have finally settled down with their God given mates. Now, those fools have cheated on you both, remarried, and have more babies coming. Now, don't get me wrong the babies are a blessing, but I feel sorry for them. Their mothers are absolutely wretched."

Both Candace and I calm ourselves. We sit up and I hand Candace some tissues from the Kleenex box next to my bed.

"Thanks." She says as she wipes tears from her face.

I grab some tissues and do the same thing. We both discard the tissues and grab the drinks we had earlier. She has been sleeping on the chaise in here and telling Jared to leave her alone while she sleeps. I wake up thinking he is here, but he isn't. My poor sister. She is just as bad as me.

We wipe the tears from our eyes then suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen. I cry out just as blood pools from in between my legs.

"Oh no!  Please, not my baby." Leaves my lips at the same time Candace shrieks.

I look at my little sister. To my horror the same exact thing happens to her.

We hear chuckling in the background and our faces pale.

"That sounds awfully like the cackle of Danica." leaves my lips.

"And Alisa's laugh." Candace says.

"Sure does." Grandma Denton replies and we see them both. They disappear and we all start freaking out.

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