Hidden Secrets Unraveled

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It has been a week since Jason turned himself in. Brileon sentenced him to twenty years in prison and Jason just said, "Man, I sure hope I am dead by then. I have lived long enough."

"Only, time will tell." Brileon says.

Brileon doesn't hide his distaste for Jason. I understand why, but if anyone should have a grudge against Jason it is me. As each day passes, and my relationship with God increases, it is easier to forgive Jason. It may sound crazy, but the truth is how can I not forgive him. I forgave Brileon. Yes, it is still hard to trust him, but I believe in time I will be able to trust him fully.

I am sitting outside in the garden of all places. The kids left about an hour ago with my mother and father in law. They all went to the mall to shop. I sigh, because, I so needed a break. Dr. Ramsey announced that he will be closing his practice and moving it here to Dallas. He will set up an office not too far from here. Kirsten is retiring from Brileon's guard. She is surprisingly Brileon's younger sister. Brileon's mom finally told us after his brother barged in on me the day after our wedding. Aileron is actually Brileon's dad and Leon Triston is not. Leon Triston surprisingly did not perish on Alexin.


Two days after the wedding

"You have got to be kidding! This has got to be a hoax!" Brileon shouts two days after his brother came into our room while I was asleep.

"No son it is not. What I am telling you is true." Mr. Aileron replies.

"Son, he isn't lying. I was not Triston's wife. I was and still am Aileron's wife. Triston tried to kill your father, but I saved him. I put him on a space ship without Triston knowing he was still alive. Your grand parents, great aunt, and siblings were also on the spaceship with him.

I led Triston to believe that Aileron had perished. You see Triston could not rightfully be king until Aileron died or passed the throne to him. Aileron was born blind in one eye and crippled. His parents refused to give his rightful inheritance of becoming a king to Triston. Triston argued with them over and over again about his right to be king since his brother was crippled and blind. Triston hated them for not giving him the throne. He became so enraged on the day of Aileron's coronation that he killed them both before Aileron could be crowned king. Aileron was 28 and I was 24. I had you when I was 17. So, you was seven at that time. Only a few people were there on the day Triston killed his parents. The only ones who knew he had an older twin perished besides everyone I sent on the spaceship and your siblings of course. They knew of Aileron, but thought he was just a cousin, or a distant relative. Some escaped, but the rest perished.
I never married Triston. We pretended to be husband and wife to keep up the appearance that he had a queen. That was until he came
to me one night and expected me to sleep with him. I refused of course and he stormed off, to be with the woman he made his queen. They tried to kill me, but a male liger helped me get away. Some poor girl perished that day. They placed her in a coffin and said that my body was badly mauled by a liger. The liger shifted into a man and I remember shrieking.

The man said his name was Nipty and he bought me on board a ship with him. His parents and sister was on the ship. I remember arriving in England where apparently no one had ever heard of alien races. I pretended to be fully human and continued to do so until I came to get Ala from your crazy butt." Brileon's mom says.

"Wow! So, you're telling me my animals may be able to shift." Brileon says to his mom while I stand gaping at her. I am so stunned it is ridiculous.

"I can shift into human." A man with brown hair and sand color skin says as he walks into the room. His voice sounds very familiar.

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