The Villains Flee

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Lindsey Gives Nathan one of my smiles and says, "You're not the only one with powers bitch!"


"Lindsey watch your language!" I shriek.

Lindsey looks at me and immediately drops her eyes down to her shoes and starts biting her lip. She is already in trouble for her language and fighting at school. That outburst just prolonged her punishment. After a second or two she looks back up at me.

"Sorry, mom!" She grumbles and I hear Chase and Lucian chuckling.

Lindsey starts smiling showing all her white teeth and I glare at my siblings.

"Shut up you two! Lindsey stop smiling you just earned yourself another week of punishment." I reply.

"Aw man! Shit! I hate you! You are no damn fun!" Lindsey says glaring daggers at me.

I hear Barbara, my aunt, my mom, Lana, and Kirsten all gasp at the same time.

My left temple starts throbbing as it always does when Lindsey has one of her tantrums. My hand goes up to massage it and I glare at her. That child is smelling herself.

Danica starts laughing.

"Damn Ala! Seems like your brat is just as uncouth as you are." Danica says.

Lindsey glares at Danica and starts cussing. "You f....bitch! How dare you call me uncouth!"

I rush to Lindsey and cover her mouth with my hand.

"See what I mean! Uncouth!" Danica says and Lindsey jets out of my arm toward Danica.

Danica runs and hides behind King Brileon. She clutches onto his arm and Brileon looks down at her. His eyes turn dark brown with the turquoise irises and a scowl forms on his face. He looks from Lindsey to me.

"Tame your child woman!" King Brileon says and I flinch as if he just slapped me.

Wow! He just said my child. Which she is, but she is also his child too. My hands ball into fists and it takes everything in me not to punch his royal ass.

Lindsey's light skinned face pales. She comes to an abrupt halt, she turns around, and looks at me. Tears are falling down her face. I begin to rush to her, but she shakes her head. She zooms up the stairs to my old room, and slams the door. The whole house shakes. Everyone grabs onto something, but me.

Danica cackles with the arrow still in her arm. The bleeding has stopped as well as the pain. She pulls the arrow from her arm, winces a little, and smirks at me.

I have had enough of this shit! I came down here to see my siblings. I just protected his sons from that woman. His children or as he says (my children) even protected their brother. He is f..... ungrateful and I am extremely tired.

I see Danica's eyes move and I am wondering what the hell she is doing. Then, I feel a blade slide down my back. I yelp as both my bra and undershirt fall to the floor.

Before I can defend myself Layla moves her hand. Nathan is lifted off the floor and thrown hard against the wall. She does the same thing again. This time she picks up Danica and throws her hard against the wall. She lands hard next to Nathan.

"What the f...?!" Danica says after standing.

"You f..... bitch! Get the hell out of my grandparent's house before I hurt your evil ass!" Layla says seething with rage.

Danica starts running along with Nathan towards my kids. I have to do something fast or they will kill my kids. I reach into my red cargo pants pocket. I pull out the ninja knife case. I drape it over my left arm. I pull out a knife and put it in between my thumb and forefinger. I throw the knife and it hits Danica in the shin and she shrieks. She falls to the floor hollering. I take another and repeat the same moves. I throw it at Nathan and it lodges in his hand. He screams and turns around to look at me. I move to pull another one out and his face pales.

"Fuck this shit!" Nathan says as he scoops a screaming Danica up off the floor. He takes off running towards the back door. He runs through the back door causing it to splinter. He whistles and a huge bird lands. He puts Danica on the bird and jumps on behind her. They take off and Chase starts laughing.

"Now whose pathetic?! At least I am not running away from a girl on top a huge bird." Chase says with tears falling down his face from laughing so hard.

I look at him and start laughing too. Leave it to my brother to find a laughable moment even in the midst of a life and death situation.

I hear a shriek and, "My God Andrew! Who tortured our daughter like that?" My mom says sounding very hysterical.

I look down and realize that I no longer have on a shirt and bra. I gasp and thank God my hair is covering my chest. I also still have blood draining from the wound I don't even feel from Nathan's blade. Wait? How and when did he get a blade? I don't remember him walking in here with one. What in the world?

I rush up the stairs to get the medical kit I carry with me and a shirt. Lindsey rushes out the room with the kit as I make it up the stairs. Lindsey takes my hand and ushers me into the room followed by her brother and sister.

I walk into the bathroom onto the tile floor so I will not ruin anymore of my father's carpet. Lindsey puts the toilet seat down and I straddle it to give Logan better access.

Logan takes the kit from his sister and opens it. He pulls out the aloe salve from the plant we have at home and gauze.

"Layla get a towel out the suitcase and hold it against Momma's back to stop the blood flow." Logan says.

Layla runs and gets a towel from my bag. My father has towels here, but my towels are soft. I know I am very picky. Layla rushes in with the towel and holds it against my back. I wince and here several people running into my room.

The bathroom is soon filled to capacity. So, everyone not in here is standing outside looking in.

"Ala who did that to you?" I hear my dad ask.

"It is in the past dad. It's over and done with."  I reply.

"No it is not! Woman who did this to you?" King Brileon yells sounding pissed. Why would he be pissed he doesn't give a damn about me or our kids.

I ignore him then I hear more shrieks and flinch.

"My God Ala who cut Lindsey's face? Why the hell is Layla missing two fingers on her right hand, and why is Logan left leg crippled?" King Brileon's mom asks all at once.

I sigh as my head starts pounding even more.

Layla starts sobbing and Lindsey begins shaking. Logan's hand tightens around the salve, but they all keep their mouths clamped shut.

"Dammit Ala! Answer us!" King Brileon says.

"Jason!" Layla shrieks and I jump off the toilet knowing what is coming next.

Logan drops the whole kit and screams along with Lindsey.

They all back up towards the wall in the bathroom. Oh shit!

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