We Fight to Keep The King's Sons Safe

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October 12, 2053

11 p.m.


I am startled awake by alarms going off and my dad's security system's male voice saying, "Intruders! Intruders! No threat! No threat! Afraid for their lives."

I am still trying to figure out how a form of technology can determine who is a threat and who isn't. I give it to my dad though he bought a state of the art system. I hear the door bell ringing incessantly and loud banging. I have to hurry. Whoever is on the other side of that door is in trouble.

My triplets light and caramel skinned faces have paled. Logan stands up and limps to my side while Lindsey and Layla are on the bed holding each other.

"Mom I will fight with you." Logan says as he limps to his suitcase and pulls out his bow and arrows.

"No son, stay and watch your siblings. I will be fine." I tell him not even sure if I am being truthful or not. My heart is beating out of my chest.

"But mom..." Logan says starting to argue with me. He means well, but I can't put him in danger again.

I just can't lose another one of my babies.

"No, Logan do as I say! Guard your sisters." I reply shouting at him causing him to flinch.

I hate fussing at him, but I have to. I can't allow him to be hurt again, because of my actions. I would rather him stay here with his sisters and keep them safe. Even though I trained them all to fight. So, they all can defend themselves if someone attacks them.

"Lindsey and Layla help your brother if he needs you." I tell my daughters.

"Okay, Momma!" They both reply.

I rush and kiss them all. I pull the saber holster that contains the saber out of my suitcase. I strap it around my waist and rush downstairs barefoot. Logan shuts the door behind me and locks it.

As I make it downstairs the knocks and door bell ringing gets louder and becomes more frequent. I hear. "Ms. Ala! Ms. Ala! Help! It's Ramsey and Alton."

I rush to the door and disarm the alarm. I unlock the door and open it. I am almost knocked to the floor as both Ramsey and Alton rush in.

"Shut the door! Quick!" Ramsey yells as I see a car pull up. I slam the door and lock it. I rearm the alarm and run to the security monitors.

A guy that looks to be 6' 0" tall with sand color skin and blond hair steps out the vehicle followed by Danica. She as always is dressed to perfection. She is wearing a navy blue pants suit with a white dress shirt. She even has on matching heels. I guess you wonder how I can see this. The digital security camera shows everything in color even in the dark. It even appears as if it is still daylight outside. What in the world? Where did my dad get this camera from? I need to ask him. I really like it even though it freaks me out sometimes. Ala focus! Worrying about a darn security camera is not as important as keeping King Brileon's sons safe. A feeling of sadness rises as it always does when his name crosses my mind. I clamp it down and ready myself for whatever is to come.

Lucian, Chase, and Candace come running down the stairs. Lucian has a sword in his hand and Chase has a gun. Candace eyes are wide with alarm as I am sure all of ours are.

"What the hell is going on?!" Lucian asks.

"Nathan tried to kill us and Danica is with him. She is evil and not at all what she pretends to be." Alton says in one breath with eyes wide from fright.

I look at both of the boys necks and my hand around the saber tightens. My jaw clenches and my nostrils flare. I am pissed. Ramsey and Alton's necks have purple and black bruises from where this Nathan guy was choking them. If I get my hands on this Nathan guy and that Danica wench they will regret harming these young men.

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