Mysterious Illness

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Not fully edited!


"Grandpa!" I shriek and feel my eyes roll back in my head. I feel my body almost crumple to the floor, but Dr. Ramsey rushes to me. He catches me before I fall.

"Ala! Baby please be strong for me! Who will raise our children if we both die?!" Brileon says and my eyes snap open. I rise from Dr. Ramsey's arms and see Brileon trying to get out the bed. My dad, Jared, and Dr. Denton are trying to keep him in the bed.

"Brileon you have to stay in bed your temperature is very high you are near death!" Dr. Denton says.

"No Ala needs me!" Brileon says.

"I will be fine Brileon lay back down. Your children need you more than I." I tell him.

"Ala you need me..." Brileon starts to say.

"Ssh young man! Calm yourself, my grand daughter will be fine. It is you who I am concerned about." My grandfather says and Brileon clamps his mouth shut. He even lays back down in the bed and I stand stunned while my grandfather starts barking orders.

"Dr. Denton hook Brileon up to the IV stat." My grandfather says and everyone rushes into the room excluding Julian, and Stephanie. Even Margaret comes into the room. Aunt Rosilyn's eyes lock on her father's and both of their faces pale. They do not say anything to each other though.

All our kids rush to his side. Ramsey and Alton are weeping along with our triplets. Ramsey walks to Lindsey and hugs her. Alton hugs Layla and Logan lays his head on Brileon's chest.

"My son! Oh baby please don't die." Mrs. Triston says then bursts into tears.

"Momma! Please don't cry." Brileon says.

Dr. Denton rushes into the bathroom. I hear water running, the faucet being turned off, then him rushing back out the bathroom. He goes into the open drawer where Brileon got the alcohol swabs and gets a pair of gloves out. He puts them on then he takes out an alcohol swab. He tears it open and wipes Brileon's hand near the wrist. My grandpa goes to his bag and opens it. He pulls out a sterile venous catheter and hands it to Dr. Denton. Dr. Denton takes the venous catheter and inserts it into one of the veins on Brileon's hand above the wrist.

"Done Dr. Kentolian!" Dr. Denton says and I gasp.

"Doctor Kentolian?! Grandpa you're a doctor? Why did Dr. Denton just say Kentolian instead of Kenton?" I ask.

"Yes, I am a doctor, and our last name is actually Kentolian." My grandfather says and I know damn well I look completely stunned. What the hell else are they keeping from me?

"So, I guess I am the only one who hasn't been told this." I reply and my father runs his hands through his hair like Brileon does. I glare at him then he immediately starts looking out the window and I truly wish I had something to chunk at his head.

"Drew why haven't you told Ala our true last name?" My grandfather asks my dad.

"I have been busy, and she went missing for awhile with my grandchildren." My father replies.

I roll my eyes and my grandfather shakes his head.

"You could have told her on her eighteenth birthday Drew." My grandfather replies then shakes his head.


"Anyway we need to get back to more pressing matters. We need to get Brileon's temperature down and help him feel better." My grandfather says then he looks at Dr. Ramsey.

"And you young man what is your name?" My grandfather.

"Dr. Robert Stephen Ramsey sir!" My friend and boss Dr. Ramsey replies.

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