Rosarian Spies

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Above is an image of Scarlett Johansson as Railyn

Our leader ordered us to follow the family who killed all the rogues. Being able to cloak ourselves is a plus. King Brileon has no idea we have been following him since the rogue attacks started. The young woman they call Ala is very smart. She like only one other could feel our presence. She was right in her assessment that we were following them. I have to say I admire her. She is an amazing fighter and has caught the eye of our king. When the young woman came outside I noticed the slight roundness of her belly. She is pregnant for Brileon. I can tell since I once was pregnant myself. The evil Rosarian General took my son as guarantee that I would follow his every command. The bastard will pay for everything he has done to me and my family. That is a promise.

What I am wondering is how she became pregnant so fast? No one in Alexin or human history has ever gotten pregnant that fast. I have researched human pregnancies as well as Alexin and know that for a fact. I am happy for them though. I will not reveal her pregnancy to anyone. I pray Falan didn't notice the slight roundness of her belly. He on the other hand, would reveal her pregnancy to the Rosarian General. Falan like the Rosarian General does not care for anyone. Their goals in life are to kill, make people miserable, and overthrow King Brileon. I wouldn't put it pass them to try an overthrow the leaders of Earth. As you can see I do not agree with the Rosarian General's methods, but I am in his debt. A debt that is not my own, a debt my mother owes to him, but I am forced to repay. My hands ball into fists, because I would love to see the Rosarian General get the punishment he deserves.

Brileon needs to know the truth. He has been kept in the dark for far too long. He needs to know who the Rosarian General really is and who truly is responsible for the death of our planet and the millions of citizens we lost. Everything that has happened in the last few years has a great deal to do with Brileon's true father and his mother's ancestry. One day I vow to break ties with the Rosarian General and reveal the truth. Even if revealing the truth leads to my death I don't care. Brileon deserves to know.

"Railyn it is time to go. They know we are here. We will return at a later time. The Rosarian General just messaged me. He wants us to return and give him a report of our findings." Falan says.

"Okay, I am ready." I reply and get in the passenger seat of the four door gray Toyota Tundra that we cloaked as well.

Falan starts the engine and the truck turns back visible. Many years ago, I learned that only a select group of Alexins can cloak themselves. You have to be mixed with Rosarian in order to cloak yourself, but the cloaking only lasts for about thirty minutes at a time. No one has ever been able to stay cloaked longer than thirty minutes. As Falan drives us back to meet with the Rosarian General I can't help, but be impressed with Ala's family. Her parents have to know more than they are letting on. No one has ever been able to find us when we are cloaked. Her family did. Falan and I heard the security system when it alerted her father to our being cloaked not far from the house. Impressive! It would be nice to meet her family in person one day. I would honestly like to live a normal life. Get a job, buy a house, spend time with my son, and have Ala as a friend. I would also like to be friends with her family. They are indeed very impressive. No one has killed any of the rogues before. For one family to kill so many rogues in one day is amazing to me.

Falan doesn't feel the same way of course. He wants to kill them all, but the Rosarian General forbade him from doing so. Our orders were and still are to watch the family and King Brileon. If there are any new developments we are to let the Rosarian General know immediately. For instance, Ala's pregnancy would be a new development. I refuse to tell that evil tyrant about Ala's pregnancy. If he finds out it will be from Falan's lips not mine.

Falan looks over at me and puts his hand on top of mine. He moves to hold my hand, but I snatch it away from him.

"Railyn please let me hold your hand. I told you I am not like the Rosarian General." Falan says.

I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah right Falan. You are just like him. You enjoy killing and making people's lives miserable just like him. I on the other hand, do his bidding so he won't hurt Tyrin, and as a repayment for my mother's debt to him." I reply.

"Dammit Railyn! I told you your debt to him is repaid. Tyrin is my son too, do you truly think I seriously enjoy killing people?" Falan says with a look I cannot read on his face.

I glare at him and say, "Yes, I truly do. I use to believe you Falan when your heart was full of compassion. When God was the head of your life, and you didn't kill people for sport. Our son was taken, because you told the Rosarian General he could sleep with me. My refusal to sleep with him cost us our son. That one action of you telling the general he could sleep with me tore us apart. I was your wife. I vowed to sleep with only you and no one else. I will never let that evil man touch me. I will continue refusing until the day I die. You are sick. I will never forgive you. How could you do that to me? How could you think so little of me to give something so precious away to someone else?"

"Railyn I..." Falan says trying to respond to me, but I shut him down. I honestly don't want to hear anything from his mouth.

"I hate you Falan. You make me sick. Don't ever try and touch me again!" I snap at him while opening the door to the moving truck. I jump out, and land on my feet on the pavement. Only a few blocks away from Ala's parents beach home.

"Fuck!" I hear Falan cuss.

"Damn did you just see that! She must be a stunt woman?" I hear the person in the car behind Falan say.

Falan was only driving 15 miles per hour in a 35 miles per hour zone. Slow enough for me to jump out the vehicle and not be harmed. There were cars behind him so he couldn't stop right away. The car door is flapping in the wind and I can't help, but laugh. I take off running before Falan can come after me. In truth, I miss him, I still love him, but I cannot be with someone who thinks so little of me. I run back into the direction of Ala's parent's beach house knowing it is the only safe place for me now. I believe that God will help me get Tyrian back, but for now I have to find safety from the repercussions that are sure to come from deserting the Rosarian General. Oh well, anything is better than his advances towards me. One more day of him fondling my vagina, and kissing my lips will not be missed. I thank God I will no longer have to scrub his touch from my skin anymore. I also thank God that he has never actually penetrated me since he doesn't believe in raping women. He foolishly still believes I will open myself to him. Hallelujah! Lord Jesus! I am free, even if it is just for a little while. I rejoice in the hope that I will be free from his touch forever someday.

Questions for Readers:

So what do you think about the new spin on the story? Would you have done the same thing Railyn did? What do you think will happen when she meets the King and the Kenton's? I promise there is a surprise coming. Thanks for reading everyone have a great weekend. Working on next chapter now.

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