Jason Finds Me

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Note: Chapter is a bit longer than normal. Hope you enjoy. Not fully edited.


Wow! He just put me in handcuffs. I know I shouldn't have pushed him, but goodness I was so tired of him insulting me. I asked him to move, but he refused to. Even when I tried to go around him he continued to block my path.

When you are punished for your actions it sure has a way of making you realize where you went wriong. I correct the kids for not listening and getting in trouble at school, yet here I am doing the same darn thing. I do have to say Brileon did deserved everything I did to him though. I maybe the one who is being punished now, but eventually he will be punished for his actions.

I have to admit I am not being a very good role model for our kids. Even though Brileon was insulting me and being a royal asshole I should have ignored him and just left with the kids. Now, because I pushed him to the floor, which didn't hurt him one bit. I am in handcuffs. Although, it is probably an accumulation of all the slaps, me kicking him, and pushing him down, and everyone laughing that caused this predicament I am in.

The next thing I know Brileon is being pulled off me. I turn around and Logan has Brileon by the throat. He has lifted his father in the air and is strangling him. Brileon is gasping for air.

My face and everyone else's drains of color.

"Uncuff my mother you son of a bitch! I have lost all respect for you. My mother pushed your ass down, because you deserved it. I will never call you my father again. I hate you." Logan says. My son is filled with so much rage tears are running down his face.

Have mercy! I can't let him kill Brileon. He will regret it for the rest of his life. Brileon is an ass, but he doesn't deserve to die.

I whistle and Logan looks at me. His hand around Brileon's neck loosen.

"Stand down Logan! Calm yourself. I am fine. Your father is right. I am wrong. I should not have pushed him, nor should I have tried to leave with you guys. He only wants to spend time with you. He misses you all, though he has a horrible way of showing it. Don't you ever disrespect him or try to hurt him again do you hear me?" I tell Logan.

"Yes, momma! Sorry, dad!" Logan releases Brileon's neck. He sits his father down on the floor and limps to me bawling uncontrollably.

"It's is okay son. You were protecting your mother." Brileon says and a whimper escapes.

"Momma I am sorry! I don't know why I get so angry. I nearly killed father. Please help me to control this. I am so scared I will kill someone someday." Logan sobs against my shirt. He wraps his arms around my waist and I long to hold him, but can't. I am immobilized in these handcuffs.

"You get it from me son! I will teach you how to control it if you let me. I am sorry, please forgive me." Brileon says.

"Don't hold you're breath. He still hasn't trained us to defend ourselves or to one day be in his royal guard." Ramsey says and Brileon glares at him.

"What? It's the truth." Ramsey says.

"Yes, it is. Brileon it is time you teach your sons to defend themselves and my grandson to control his anger. Though I think he has inherited his anger from both you and me." My dad says.

"I agree. The problem is he can't keep his dick in his pants long enough to teach them anything. Every few hours he is inside of Danica." Jared says.

"There are children in this room!" Mrs. Reynolds scolds.

"Honey please! These children know exactly what Jared is talking about. There is so much on television and..." Mr. Reynolds says, but is interrupted by Alton.

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