Author's Note

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Author's Note

Okay guys this is the re-published version. I hope you enjoy. Sorry about the delay. Have not been feeling well. The story preface is in Alexandria, Louisiana. I start off with Ala's point of view and will lead into King Brileon's. I added new scenes in the book. The work is pure fiction. All the ideas are mine and as with all my other work I use real actors to play the parts in the book. The actors that I use are the best examples of what the characters would look like in real life. Some facts that I put in the story: Areca palm trees are real they are native to the island of Madagascar. The Andromeda Galaxy is real it is the closest and largest galaxy to the Milky Way. Our Solar System is in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Note: References will be at the end of each chapter.

History of The Alexins and Planet Alexin

Planet Alexin sits outside our solar system between The Milky Way Galaxy and The Andromeda Galaxy. It has been around for a thousand years. The Alexin people are superhuman. Alexins breathe oxygen, but their planet is no longer oxygen rich. So, the Alexins wear oxygen masks. They heal faster, don't age the same (they look younger than their age), and live to be 130 years old at the max. Women pregnancies are six months versus nine months. Alexin women have to rest for two months after the pregnancy before intercourse and having another child. The royalty of Alexin are born with a turquoise butterfly and a sword on their right shoulder. The King and Prince have the same crest, but they also are born with wings of protection on their chest. The people of Alexin are born with a pink and purple butterfly on their right shoulder. The animals of Alexin are the Alexin Wolfhound, Liger, and Eagle hawk. The Wolfhound, Liger, and Eagle hawk are much larger than Earth's animals. The people of Alexin can ride the Alexin Wolfhound, Liger, and Eagle hawk as well. Women of Alexin have long wavy hair. Women in the royal guard have a turquoise blue streak down the right side of their hair. They wear their hair in a bun, or straight down with the Alexin military hat which is turquoise and black. The women carry Alexin guns and wear uniforms with blue cords on both shoulders. The men in the royal guard wear turquoise and blue hats. Their uniforms have blue cords on both sides and they wear the Alexin sword. Both the men and women are trained in hand to hand combat.


(2015). Andromeda Space Facts. Retrieved June 15, 2015.


Redd, Nola. (2013). Milky Way Galaxy: Facts About Our Galactic Home.

Retrieved June 15, 2015. from:

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