Fire Juice

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"Big Brother! I thought you dead." The woman says weeping now.


I am still trying to process Mr. Kenton's younger sister being one of the people who was spying on Ala. I am interested to know what her explanation will be for spying on her niece. I am also interested in knowing why she ran here knowing that she could have been killed, but still she came anyway. My thoughts are interrupted once again as Mr. Kenton speaks.

"Railyn I thought you dead as well. Where have you been?" Mr. Kenton asks.

So Railyn is her first name. Raili must be his nickname for her.

"I have been doing horrible things big brother. Falan told the Rosarian General I would sleep with him and the general took Tyrian since I refused."

"What?! I will kill Falan. Little sister I told you not to marry him." Mr. Kenton says.

"I know. I foolishly fell in love with him." Railyn says.

"Drew I was spying on you with him. I didn't know it was you."

She shrieks and everyone covers their ears and fall backward. Mr. Kenton pulls her to him and says something in a language I do not know. She stops shrieking immediately and relaxes in her brother's arms.

"Grandpa used to tell me those words when I was upset." Ala says.

"He did the same with us." Lucian, Chase, and Candace all say in unison.

"What does the words mean?" I ask.

"Calm yourself I am right here. I love you and God does too." Mr. Kenton says.

"Auntie Raili, Grandpa showed me a picture of you. He said you were the child he lost to a cruel enemy. He gave me something hold on." Ala says and runs back up the stairs.

A few seconds later she comes back downstairs. She hands her aunt a picture.

Her aunt looks down at the picture and smiles. "The picture of Dad and me when I was twenty years old."

"Thank you Ala." Her aunt says wiping tears from her face with the back of her hand.

"Auntie Raili there is something else I believe belongs to you. Grandpa gave me this. He said it belong to his little rose. He gave it to me, because I reminded him of you." Ala says and hands her aunt a black velvet jewelry bag.

Her aunt pulls out a plastic jewelry bag and a fresh set of tears fall down her face. She pulls out a white gold necklace with a red rose outlined with navy blue and silver trim the same colors as Mr. Kenton and Railyn's hair.

"Yes, he gave it to me when I was ten years old. He always called me his little rose. Where is he? Where is mom?" Railyn asks.

"They are both dead. Mom died six years ago and dad died three years ago" Mr. Kenton says.

"Their gone! But, that's imp..." Railyn starts to say what sounds like impossible, but clamps her mouth shut. Huge tears are falling down her face and she moves from her brother to Ala.

Ala hugs her aunt and weeps with her. "Grandpa's death was my fault." Ala says.

Ala's aunt shakes her head and says, "No sweetheart it was not. You look just like him, but a female version. There is a lot Drew and my father kept from you all. We will discuss it later with Drew's permission of course." Railyn says.

"Yes, it is time they know everything." Mr. Kenton says.

Ala and her aunt break apart. Ala looks at the necklace and asks, "Can I put it where it belongs?"

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