Protecting My Siblings

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Corbin Bleu- Chase Kenton

Rihanna- Candace Kenton



Alexandria, Louisiana

January 2043

I have not heard from King Brileon in three years.  I wondered and still wonder if the person he had to find was the woman he was meant for. Tears rise in my eyes and as always it takes everything in me to fight back the tears that threaten to fall. He has moved on so why haven't I? Technically, we weren't even in a relationship. We just slept together and he couldn't even see my whole face. Wow! As I think of it I can only shake my head. How could he say I love you, yet didn't even know how I truly look? In addition, he doesn't even know me. He never came to take me out on dates, bring me flowers, and he definitely never came back to make me his wife. I was as I thought nothing more than a woman he could come to for sex. Good thing I stayed on birth control pills. I am glad I never got pregnant. If I would I truly don't know if he would have cared. If I would tell Candace and Chase they would look at me like I am crazy. They would tell me Ala get a grip and start laughing.  When I think about it I laugh just imagining their faces if I ever had the courage to tell them. I still think I am better off keeping that to myself. No one knows of the trysts between us and as far as I am concerned it can stay that way.

The one guy I dated wanted to sleep with me. I could not. I couldn't even kiss him without seeing King Brileon. I broke up with him and haven't tried to date since. My goodness I hope this stops or I will be alone forever while he marries another. Okay enough of that.

I am dressed for war, my goodness, how is it in three years that we are now afraid for our lives. Rogues are coming. They have been moving from country to country and from city to city killing, raping, taking hostages, stealing, and the list goes on. King Brileon and his royal guard have caught some of them, but with his small forces he cannot reach everyone in time.

"Chase take Candace and run now!" My dad orders.

Chase takes a hysterical Candace by the hand and dashes out the back door. I begin to follow when my dad thrusts two holsters into my hands. One containing a saber, and the other containing a gun. I strap the gun on the right side of my waist and the holster on the left. My dad puts a wallet in my jacket and I rush to give him a hug.

"No time for that Ala! Get going!" My dad says pushing me out the door.

"But, dad what about you and mom?" I ask with fear in my voice and probably all over my face.

"Ala go! They are on us! Take care of your siblings and here this should hold you over for a little while." My mom says thrusting a canteen and a backpack filled with food over my shoulder.

I dash out the door just in time. My dad screams. "Remember what grandpa and I taught you! We love you all! Stay safe!"

I dash into the night with the saber attached to my left side and the gun in a holster to my right. Chase and Candace are nowhere to be found. I start to panic. I know Chase is fast, but not that fast. Damn the king and the rulers of Earth! I know they meant well, but all hell has broke lose. Rogue Lirians, Alexins, and humans have banded together. What a mess! They spoke peace but the citizens are in all-out war. I believe the only states that have not been penetrated is Texas and Washington D.C., but I am not even sure.

Tears start to fall and I angrily swipe them away. I run through the woods behind our house following the same path Chase took hoping to catch sight of my siblings. No such luck!

"Chase and Candace where are you?" I whisper to myself, because the Lirians can hear the smallest sounds.

Something his royal highness forgot to mention. He was too busy making love to me.  And you liked every minute of it. The disgusting voice in my head says.

I know it is not him communicating with me. It is just my inner self being an aggravation.

Shit Ala focus! I mentally scold myself. You are suppose to be protecting your siblings. I run to the lodge's secret entrance and quietly open the door. Tiptoeing inside I gasp at what I see in front of me. A Lirian is in between Candace legs about to penetrate her. To her left an Alexin and human pulls Chase's pants down, bend him over, and try to penetrate him. Pure rage consumes me. I drop the canteen and food. With swift hands I remove the glock from the holster. I aim and shoot the Alexin about to penetrate my brother in the skull. I do the same to the human. I put the glock back in the holster on my right hip.

"What the fuck?!" The Lirian exclaims.

"That's right you bastard! Y'all have messed with the wrong family!" I reply seething.

The Lirian drops Candace forgetting about raping her. Her bottom falls to the carpeted floor with a thud. The Lirian runs towards me and I unsheathe the saber.

"What are you going to do with that little human? The other two guys may have been easy to..." is all he gets out as I plunge the saber through his heart. The Lirian falls to the floor dead.

I remove a handkerchief from my pocket and wipe the saber clean. I throw the handkerchief on top the dead Lirian and walk to my siblings to make sure they are okay.

"Remind us not to get you angry." Both Chase and Candace say in unison while pulling up their underwear and pants. They chuckle then burst into tears. I walk up to them and pull them into a group hug.

"My God! I was almost raped." Chase says trembling.

"Ala they unarmed me with little effort I feel so pathetic." Chase says sobbing.

"He... that...that...Lirian almost raped me!" Candace says while hiccuping as sobs rake her body.

I burst into tears as well no longer able to contain my emotions.

"Ssh! I promise I will never let anyone harm either one of you." I say through tears.

"Thank you for getting here when you did." Chase says swiping tears from his face.

"Yes, thank you." Candace says swiping tears from her face as well.

I step back releasing my siblings, because we have to move fast. Once the rest of the rogues find these three they will be out for blood. I pick up the canteen, and sack of food.

"Chase and Candace get the other canteens out the cabinet and fill them quickly. I will search for more food. I look at my watch and set a timer. We have less than five minutes." I reply.

The watch chimes.

"Time to go!" I exclaim as we load all the goods into the SUV parked in the garage attached to the lodge. We jump in, I start the engine, and a man runs into the garage.

"Oh shit!" Chase exclaims.

I step on the gas and only make it three feet past the house before another man jumps in front the car. I swerve and thank God that we are all buckled in. The car spins and I let go of the wheel. It levels out and come to an abrupt stop.

"My God! Candace! Chase! are you are okay?" I shriek.

I look at my siblings and their light brown complexions are two shades lighter. Chase has a death grip on the door and Candace hands are like vise grips on the back of Chase's seat. My heart is beating out of my chest. An older male rushes to the door and jerks it open. Candace shrieks and passes out. Chases grabs onto me for dear life. I grab for the saber and once I see who it is my hands drops off it. I put my head against the dash board and start thanking God.

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