I Run To Freedom

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Not Fully Edited!


I awake in the passenger seat of my Dodge Charger with a blanket over me and a pillow under my head. I have drool on the side of my face. I am so embarrassed. I sit up in the seat and lift up the top covering the center console. I pull out a pack of wipes and take one out. I seal the wipes, put them back in the console, and close the top. I use the wipe to clean the drool off my face and Brileon starts chuckling.

I feel the blush as it rises on my cheeks and he looks at me. Brileon takes my left hand in his right one and I intertwine our fingers. He smiles at me and bites his lower lip. I blush even more.

"Thank you for not arguing with me about this Ala. I just want you and the kids to be safe. I know Jason will not be able to touch any of you at my palace if he does survive." Brileon says.

"You're welcome. I know you care for them, and want them safe that is why I didn't argue." I reply.

"I want what's best for you too Ala." Brileon says.

I glare at him after that statement knowing it is not true and remove my hand from his. He frowns, but doesn't try to get my hand back. He turns off the main roadway onto a private road. There is a huge sign next to this huge iron gate that bars access to the road. The sign reads, "Home of The Alexin King. No Trespassing. Violators will be imprisoned."

The word imprisoned pierces me. I realize that this is real. I am Brileon's prisoner. His claim of me becoming his queen and his boys' mother is a lie. I have come to the realize that he lies to suit his own pleasures. Once, I go through those gates I will be a prisoner. He will be the king and I will be the commoner he constantly calls me. As he said I am beneath him. I have to strip our sleeping together from my memory or I'll go crazy when he marries Danica. I damn sure can't allow him to ever touch me again. As soon as we go through those gates I have to erect the wall that I built over the years. My heart aches and I nearly release a whimper.

"Are you ready Ala? This will be your home until the day you die." He says sounding happy, but I cringe. My goodness is that my sentence. I know I hit him, cursed him out, kicked him, and the list goes on, but goodness until I die. Have mercy! This is far worse than I thought. I thought maybe a month or at the most six months, but until I die. My hands become clammy and I start shivering. I pull the blanket tighter around my body to ward off the chill I now feel in the atmosphere.

Brileon reaches under the blanket and tries to take my hand in his, but I scoot closer towards the door. An expression of hurt crosses his face then swiftly disappears. The look of hurt on his face is replaced with disdain. He enters a code on the wrist link attached to his wrist with a leather band and the gates open. He drives through the gates and I cringe again. My heart  feels like it is in my underwear and there are goosebumps on my skin. I am literally freaking out at the thought of being imprisoned.


As we drive through the gate down the private road to get to Brileon's palace I realize the changes he has made. There wasn't that private gate barring access to this road before. There is a Starbucks, a shopping center, a bookstore, a grocery store, a medical clinic, and about four dining establishments leading up to the next set of gates that I remember walking through after punching the crap out of him years ago. All of the establishments are closed for the night. I look at the clock on the dashboard and it says 1 a.m.

My goodness! He has his own city right here. This has got to be costing him a fortune. Then, I realize he is probably in partnership with these establishments. They make profit and so do he.

I sigh, because I never thought I would see this place again. Memories of the past resurface along with his insults over the last few days, and I realize my error in agreeing to come here.

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