I Make Love To The King

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I have ran into my room on the ship and locked the door. A few seconds later the door to my room opens.

King Brileon's eyes which are normally dark brown change to a light brown with turquoise blue irises. He smiles at me and I dash for the nearest exit. He catches me, seals the door to the room by saying, "Doors lock."

I break free and run into the bathroom. I lock the door and since I have to relieve myself I do. I wash my hands once I am dressed and finished. I hear a key in the lock and know I am trapped for real. The door opens and I sprint out the bathroom catching him off guard. He chuckles and let me go while he relieves himself.

A door is open and I run through only to realize a short while later that it is his quarters. The furniture is just as luxurious as the rest of the ship. The furniture in here is black leather. There is a chaise, and a love seat. The bed is king size with a white, black, and grey comforter. There is a television mounted to the wall, a small kitchen. I quickly realize why the bathroom is connected to the other room. It is so he can bathe with his lovers. I am instantly jealous and know it is stupid of me to be. I walk over to the window on the space ship in his room and gaze out at the afternoon sky. The clouds look like cotton and the sky is light blue. I feel King Brileon walk up behind me. He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me to him. I instantly relax against him and he says,

"It is very peaceful up here."

"Yes, it is." I reply and a yawn follows.

"Someone is exhausted. Let's rest Ala." King Brileon says, but his member is extremely hard against my butt letting me know that he is talking about sex.

"Um...that there erection of yours shows that you are not at all talking about resting." I reply and he chuckles.

"Ala, I need you." King Brileon says and I flinch.

"No, you don't. You need a woman to be inside of. Since, I am here you want me." I reply.

"Ala, why are you being so cold to me?" King Brileon asks.

"Why?! Really! You are really asking why." I say instantly pissed. I step out of his arms and start pacing the floor fuming.

"Well, let me see. You took my virginity..." I begin.

"Ala, I didn't take anything you gave it up." King Brileon says and I glare at him.

"Shut up! You know what I mean." He looks at me with that admit the truth expression on his face and I concede.

"Okay I gave my virginity to you. Happy?!" King Brileon smiles.

"Stop that! Giving me that adorable smile will not work." I tell him and he advances towards me.

"Oh no! I will not be..." Is all I get out as he reaches me in two strides and captures my lips with his own. My traitorous arms wrap around his neck and I moan against his lips.

I feel the plane take off and wonder who is flying since Jared, and Lana are occupied. If you get my meaning.

"Kirsten." Brileon says against my lips.

I try to pull away from him and he shakes his head.

"No woman. You belong to me." King Brileon says.

I push him off me and say, "No sir! I am angry with you. That kissing me and trying to take my toochie is not going to work."  Of course he doesn't listen. What man does? He grabs my hips and pulls me to his hard erection.

I gasp and moan wanting him inside me. Wait! What?! I am definitely not giving him any.

"I have never heard it called that before. I like that. So, I am taking your toochie." King Brileon says and unzips my pants.

In The Arms of The Alexin KingWhere stories live. Discover now