We Find Ramsey

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King Brileon

I send all the world leaders a message asking them if Joshua Bricard and his wife Francesca is in any of their countries. I get a reply from Aliza Harper.

"Brileon I am not sure where Joshua Bricard is, but his wife and their son is here in Canada." Aliza Harper says over the phone.

"Do you have an address for her?" I ask.

"Yes, when you get here I will bring you there myself." Aliza Harper replies.

I call all my royal guard members into my quarters. As soon as everyone comes in I close the doors to my quarters.

"As all of you are aware I have been looking for Joshua and his wife so I can reclaim Trisha's son. I just spoke to Aliza Harper. She doesn't know where Joshua is, but she knows where Francesca and Ramsey are." I tell them all.

"Thank God! When are we leaving?" Jared replies.

"In a few minutes. Can one of you stay with my son and watch him until I return?" I ask.

"I will watch him." Kirsten replies.

"Thank you so much!" I reply.

Jared, Lana, and I head to Canada. We make it there in 3 hours and 32 minutes. Aliza Harper meets us at the airport.

"King Brileon it is nice to see you again." Aliza Harper says.

"You as well." I reply.

"I took the liberty of bringing Francesca and Ramsey here to save you some time. They are sitting right over there." Aliza Harper says pointing to Joshua's wife and son.

We all walk over to them. Francesca I notice is in handcuffs.

"Mrs. Bricard my name is..." I start to say.

"I know who you are King Brileon. My husband always talked about you as a good friend that was until you married Trisha his soul mate." Francesca says words laced with venom.

Her words give me pause why is she so angry with me I have never done this woman anything.

"He cried for her many nights especially after the birth of their son." She says looking down at Ramsey.

Ramsey I notice looks to be five years old. He has blonde hair with the blue royal streak on the right side of his head. He looks malnourished. He flinches even though she is only looking at him. He also reeks as if he hasn't bathed in days.

"My God have you not fed or bathed this child?" I ask appalled.

"No, I have not. His father left him with me a few days ago. Joshua fed and bathed him before he left despite saying he didn't want him anymore. I couldn't stomach it. I hate this boy. He looks too much like his deceased mother who I hated with a passion." Francesca said making everyone gasp.

"Her ill treatment of Ramsey is why she is in handcuffs. She was arrested for child neglect. Ramsey was dehydrated and starving. He almost died. We had to give him some IV's with sodium chloride, and something to eat. Sorry, we didn't yet have time to bathe him. He will need more water and nourishment." Aliza Harper says.

Poor little Ramsey has tears trailing down his face. He is holding something in his hands.

"What is that little one can I see?" I ask. Ramsey smiles and opens his hands. In his hands is a small picture of Trisha. Tears fall down my cheeks.

"My mom gave me this picture of her before she left me with my dad. She said the king would not allow me to live with her though she begged and pleaded with him. She promised to come get me one day, but I was just told she died." Ramsey says and starts weeping.

Have mercy! No wonder Trisha hated my father. Why would he be so cruel? I would have raised Ramsey as my own. Maybe my father was not who I thought he was. I would have ruled without a queen. I should have and none of us would be in this mess. I would have found Ala and brought her back to Alexin and Trisha would have been with Joshua her soul mate until her death.

I understand why Joshua married another it was that stupid rule that my father created. I searched Alexin history after my forced marriage to Trisha and realized that no other King had any such rule. Alexins were allowed to marry freely it didn't matter if the soul mate was a royal or not. I realized then that I didn't know who my father was. One minute he was kind, in love, and for the citizens, the next he was a tyrant.

Many days my grandmother would weep and shake her head saying, "My son is a monster. He is not who I raised him to be. When he passed it was as if a burden had lifted off her shoulder.

I pick up Ramsey and hold him against my chest. "Little man I am so sorry. I am King Brileon." I start to say and Ramsey flinches.

I hold him closer. "No, it was not me who created that rule Ramsey. It was my deceased father. For his actions I am very sorry. He was wrong to keep your mother from raising you. I am here to right his wrong. If you don't mind I will raise you as my own. It was your mommy's last request." I tell Ramsey.

Ramsey hugs me back and starts smiling.

"I knew my mommy still loved me. Ms. Francesca and my dad said she abandoned me. They said she did not want me or love me anymore." Ramsey says.

I glare at Francesca and so does Aliza Harper.

"You and Joshua are two cruel a...." Aliza Harper almost uses obscene language, but stops herself remember Ramsey is only five years old.

"Fenton take her to jail and lock her crazy butt away." Aliza Harper says.

Fenton motions for Francesca to rise. She stands and he takes her to jail.

"Can I come live with you today?" Ramsey asks.

"Yes, of course. Ramsey your mom and I had a little baby boy named Alton. He is your baby brother will you help me with him?" I ask.

"Yes! Can I see Alton? Can I hold him? I promise to be careful and gentle. I will never let anyone hurt my little brother. I will give them one of these." Ramsey says balling his fists and we all start laughing.

I hug him tighter and say, "Yes, you can see him and hold him. You son are too young to be talking about beating anyone up." I reply.

"Thank you Aliza for everything."

"You are welcome! I have to go King Brileon. If you ever need anything please don't hesitate to call." Aliza Harper says then walks away with her guard surrounding her.

I look at Ramsey and he smiles. "Are you ready to go home?" I ask.

"Yes," Ramsey says as Jared walks up.

Jared ruffles Ramsey's hair and says, "Call me Uncle Jared kiddo. I am your father's best friend."

"Ok, Uncle Jared." Ramsey replies.

We all walk out the airport to my plane. We board the plane. I buckle Ramsey in. I get him a bottle of water, and a turkey sandwich from the fridge on board. I hand it to him and he finishes the food in less than two minutes.

"Are you full or do you want another one?" I ask.

"One more please." Ramsey says. Jared gets him another one.

Jared hands it to him and Ramsey grabs him and hugs him. Jared smiles and hugs him back.

"Can I please take a bath? I smell." Ramsey says turning up his noise at his body odor.

"Yes, son you sure can as soon as we get home." I reply.

I head to the pilot seat follow by Jared. We buckle in and I lift off.

"I am so proud of you Bri. You did not have to take Trisha's son in as your own, but you did. Please don't change my friend. If you do I will kick your ass." Jared says.

I start chuckling and he does as well. We both know he is completely serious.

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