Mystery of The Golden Sword (Part 2)

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Brileon looks at me. His face is etched with concern. Danica and Nathan's faces pale. They along with their animals turn around abruptly and beeline back into the shadows from whence they came.


Everyone outside is cracking up laughing, but me. I would do the same thing, but I am in too much pain. I hear Tasha shriek as well and Brileon jumps from Brayger to Tasha. He sits behind me and brings my body close to his. He starts speaking some words that are completely foreign to me and Tasha instantly stops shrieking. The pain and light headed feelings I was just experiencing are gone.

Brileon takes the sword out of my hand. It illuminates in his hands as well and my dad says, "Interesting!"

"What about the sword lighting up in Brileon's hand is interesting?" I ask my dad.

"The fact that it has never lit up for anyone, but my father, and mother. Now it has lit up for both you and Brileon." My dad says.

"And?" I ask knowing there is more.

"It proves that you and Brileon are true mates." My dad replies.

I groan then say, "Maybe it is broken. Couldn't it be a faulty sword?"

My dad chuckles.

"No Ala. It has been handed down from generation to generation." My dad replies.


Ten years ago, before he damaged my heart I would have rejoiced after hearing we are true mates, but now all I feel is sadness. Well, maybe not just sadness. I am aroused as well. Brileon's body against mine is driving me crazy. It feels like fireworks are going off inside me with just his nearness. I don't know if it is the sword or just my darn hormones that have me feeling this way. I want desperately to run my fingers through his hair, tear off all his clothes, jump on top of him, and make love to him until I am exhausted.

"You want me that bad huh!" Brileon says against my ear invading my thoughts.

"Stop listening to my thoughts!" I snap and Brileon chuckles.

"Lucian can you please take this for us and bring it into the palace?" Brileon says.

"Of course." Lucian replies.

Brileon throws the sword to Lucian and he catches it. Brileon begins to kiss my right cheek where I felt the etchings begin on my skin. I gasp as sparks shoot through me while I am sitting on top of Tasha. Tasha takes off into the air and Brileon pulls my body closer to his until there is no more space between us. Brileon moves from my right cheek to nuzzle my neck. He starts kissing my neck passionately and I moan. My head falls back and I become instantly soaked. My hands loosen on the harnesses then I release them as Brileon starts kissing my shoulder. His right hand moves to the front of my pajama pants. He slides his hand inside between my panties and touches my wet center.

"You are soaking wet!" He says and I squirm on top of Tasha. My eyes roll back as I moan, then I realize I am sitting on top of Tasha in the darn sky. I gasp, remove his hands from in between my legs, and scoot forward.

"Bri-le-awn please! We are on top of Tasha. We can't... I won't..." I tell him then my voice is cut off as Tasha swoops down.

I scream and I fall forward trying to grab the darn harnesses I should have been holding onto. Darn man just had to distract me. I nearly fall completely off Tasha, but Brileon grabs my waist. He straps something around us both then grabs the harnesses and Tasha levels out. I grab onto Brileon's muscular arms completely shaken. My heart feels like it is about to beat out of my chest.

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