Insulted By The King

26 0 0

October 14, 2053

Not fully edited!


I awake snuggled against a muscled chest and spooned against a very hard erection. My eyes snap open, because I have no underwear on. I quickly move away from Brileon's manhood and he laughs. I get up out the bed and run to the bathroom to complete my morning ritual. I wash my hands after I am finished. I open the door to walk out and Brileon walks in with nothing on. He is completely nude. Did I mention that? Oh yeah! Ala focus!

My eyes fall to his manhood before I can stop them and I involuntarily bite my lower lip. Wow! He is huge. Actually, he is bigger than when we um...yeah...did...goodness!...(A moment's pause as I bite my lip envisioning how he use to make me cry out against him years ago).

Have mercy! I can't even think straight. I avert my eyes quickly and hear him chuckling.  No wonder Danica is with him. Good thing I am not, that there rod... (um... manhood)...penis...hard dick of his might split me open. My mind is so far in the gutter it is ridiculous. I am soaking wet just thinking about it.

He is still in the bathroom with the door wide open which he is so wrong for. I can see his firm butt and images of me grabbing it while he slides deep inside my wet...Whoa! Retract those thoughts Ala! I quickly turn around away from his nudity. I can feel my cheeks flaming as the sexual thoughts of us together run through my head. Shit! I have got to get my mind off that...with him...

Today is the triplets birthday crosses my mind.

Yes! Good that is a great thought. crosses my mind. I am about to bring my hands together and clap then I see Brileon looking at me. He has tears streaming down his face and he is laughing at me.

I glare at him.

"Dammit Brileon! This is not funny. Put some damn clothes on!" I tell him.

"Why? Does my naked body affect you that much Ala?" He asks holding onto his sides laughing at me.

"No! You're nudity doesn't affect me at all." I say much to quickly.

"Ala, you're lying. You want this dick deep inside you right now don't you?" Brileon says walking up to me. He pulls me to him and pulls the gown I have on completely off before I have a chance to react. His eyes scan my nude body and his erection hardens even more than it already is.

I back away from him even though my center is throbbing in need for him.

"Your body throbbing in need for me has given me my answer Ala." He says smiling as his erection begins throbbing in response to me. I take off running to go get some clothes before I do something I will regret. I run to my underwear drawer first and pull out a pair of panties. Before I can put them on they are snatched out my hand.

"Give me those back Brileon!" I yell reaching for my panties.

"No Ala! You don't need those. We are going to make love your body wants me I can feel it." He says. He reaches out and grabs one of my full breasts in his hands. He kneads it with his hand then he plays with the brown areola causing me to moan. My eyes meet his and he smiles.

"Brileon please we can't." I tell him, but I love the way his hand feel on my breast. He drops the panties and pulls me close. He removes his hand from my breast and smiles at me. He picks me up and carries me to the bed. He lays me down and my legs open for him. I want him so bad it is ridiculous.

He smiles and says, "I take that as you want me."

"Yes I do Brileon and you know it!" I tell him and he smiles. He gets on the bed and moves in between my legs. His head descends and he captures the breast he was kneading with his mouth. I bite my lip to keep from crying out, because I am not sure who is still here besides our kids. His tongue touches my areola and I cry out softly. My hands grab onto his biceps. I want him inside me now, but he is engaged to Danica. I am doing a horrible job of fighting him off. I can't do this. It is not right. I move my hands from his biceps to push him away and he shakes his head no. He sucks on my breast as his erection pokes against my wet aching center. I grip onto his arms and say,

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