Snapping At Brileon Leads To A Flashback

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Dr. Ramsey has just ordered me to rest. I have to admit I need it. I feel completely exhausted. My kids are hugging me and Brileon is smirking at me. I can't believe he said I would not be returning to work after the two weeks. He has lost his mind. After the kids stop hugging me I turn around and glare at him.

"Oh no she is going to blow!" Jenny says and I glare at her.

"How dare you tell my boss that I am not returning to work after the two weeks? How do you expect me to support myself and our kids?" I snap at Brileon.

"You are coming to the palace to live with me. I will take care of all of you."

"No we are not! You sir keep forgetting you are engaged to Danica. I have been taking care of the kids by myself for ten years. I will continue doing it by myself. God has helped me this far and will continue." I snap at him.

"Not anymore Ala! I am no longer taking no for an answer. Do you see yourself?! You are in pain and you look absolutely horrible. I want to spend time with my children Ala. You are not stopping me." King Brileon says.

"Did I tell you you couldn't spend time with them?" I ask while glaring at him.

"No." He responds.

"Alright then, I have no problem with you taking them to the palace and spending time with them. When they are in school they stay here and on the weekends they can come to you. In the summer you can have them and I will get them when I am off." I tell him.

"Nope! Not good enough. I want them with me everyday just as Alton and Ramsey are with me everyday." He replies.

"So, where does that leave me? You expect me to just hand you my children. You have lost your mind." I reply and start massaging my temples again. Goodness! How am I supposed to relax and not stress when Brileon is stressing me the hell out?

"They are our children Ala. I expect you to come with them and be with me." He says.

"And how is that supposed to work? You are marrying Danica. I am not nor will I ever be your mistress Brileon."

He runs his hands through his jet black and turquoise locks.

"While I am at it. That comment about me being yours needs to be stripped from your vocabulary. I am not nor will I ever be yours! Danica is yours and will always be!" I say eyes and voice shooting sparks. I am pissed that he would even suggest I come and live with him when he is with Danica.

"But you are...?" Brileon starts to say and then realizes he is engaged to Danica. He doesn't end the sentence. I thought as much asshole. My body language displays how pissed I am at him. My fists are balled, my nostrils are flared, and my eyes feel like they are on fire. Everyone in the room steps back. I guess they are waiting for me to haul off and beat the crap out of him. I turn around and start walking towards the front door. I need to cool off before I do what everyone thinks I will do.


Dr. Ramsey walks up to my door. He looks like he was about to knock, but puts his hand down when he sees me. His eyes take in my whole body and my expression. He walks in and his gray eyes connect with mine. He smiles and says,

"Ala, you need to calm yourself. Stress only makes the pain worse." He says.

"Well, tell me how am I not suppose to stress when jackass over there keeps upsetting me?" I say glaring daggers at King Brileon.

"Ala you are treading on thin ice. Insult me one more time and I will lock your uncouth ass up in my prison." He says and everyone in the room gasps.

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