My Twin To The Rescue

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I pull up to Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas. I park the car and help Lennox out. I walk him into the emergency room and look at my watch. I know I don't have much time before the king's men come after me. I punched him in front of everyone and know from the look on his face there will be repercussions for my actions.

Lennox looks at me and says, "Ala you are one tough chick."

I smile a little then all of a sudden I start crying. The realization that King Brileon lied to me and has Danica as a girlfriend hurts.  I feel the contents of my stomach which is practically nothing come up.

"Will you be okay?" I ask Lennox trying not to gag.

"Yes, Ala go! I will check myself in." Lennox says with concern on his face for me even though he is in a lot of pain from the broken hand.

I run to the bathroom leaving Lennox there and make it to the bathroom just in time as I empty what little is in my stomach. A pregnant nurse walks in and says,

"Honey, you okay. I was like that for two months, thank God I am not nauseous anymore."

I pale and realize I have not taken any birth control pills. I actually stopped taking them since I stopped dating years ago.

Then, I sigh in relief realizing it is far too early for me to be pregnant.

The nurse rubs my back as I walk out the stall. She reaches into a cabinet in the bathroom and pulls out a small disposable cup, a tooth brush, tooth paste, and a small bottle of mouthwash. My goodness this bathroom is nice. It doesn't even look like a hospital bathroom.

"The bathroom is nice isn't it. The CEO, upgraded the hospital after receiving $100,000 in cash from King Brileon for delivering his son Alton."

I gasp at the amount he gave to the hospital. It is generous. I put toothpaste on the brush wet it a little and brush my teeth. I spit out the tooth paste, pour mouthwash into the cup, gargle my throat, and spit the mouth wash into the sink. My thoughts stray to the king and tears rise in my eyes. I remember the look of disgust on his face and a sob escapes. How is it that one moment I was making love to him and the next I am punching him for lying to me? I realize that this is partially my fault for not even getting to know him. I am naive I know, because I should not have fallen for his lies. I should have known he had someone. Why wouldn't he being a gorgeous man and a king?

I believed him. Lord Jesus! I believed him. I thought I saw honesty in his eyes, but I didn't. I saw lust nothing more. My heart still wants him. I take the chain he put around my neck in my hand and tears start to fall down my face. The nurse pulls me to her and says,

"Aw honey! It can't be that bad. Remember God loves you." The nurse whose name tag reads Rhonda says.

"I know. It just hurts when you care from someone and they don't feel the same way." I reply sobbing so hard I feel like I will throw up again.

"Ssh! Honey calm yourself it is not good for the babies." Rhonda says.

"But, I am not..." I start to say and gasp at her saying babies not baby. Thank God! I am not pregnant or I would be a total wreck.

Rhonda smiles. She steps away from me and gets some tissues from the bathroom counter. She hands them to me and stares at the necklace.

"Wow! That is beautiful! Did your husband give it to you? It looks very expensive. It is white gold I can tell my father owned a jewelry shop. It also has a small diamond on it." The nurse name Rhonda says.

I look down and notice the diamond on the dove. Goodness! she has good eyes, because I didn't see that before.  I  also thought the pendant was silver. That tells you I don't know the first thing about jewelry.

"Ms. Rhonda I am not married." I reply.

"Oh, I see. Now, I understand. You poor thing." Rhonda says then she gasps as she looks down at my left hand.

"What?!" I ask her wondering why she is gasping.

"You have the matching ring too! Well, almost." She says looking at the necklace again.

"What?!" I ask her again wondering what she is talking about. I don't own any rings, nor do I have any on my hands.

Ms. Rhonda shakes her head at me and takes my left hand. She brings it to my face and I gasp. There is a white gold diamond ring with a dove on my left ring finger. How did that get there? I didn't even feel it there. I know I look confused, because Ms. Rhonda says,

"Honey, I can tell you didn't know he put it there. Whoever he is with he doesn't care for. He will return to you okay. If not now, then some day soon okay. A man does not buy a ring like that for someone he doesn't love."

"But, he has a girl friend." I say and burst into tears.

The door to the women's bathroom bursts open and King Brileon walks in with the purple bruise on his face. Jared, Lana, and Kirsten follow him in.

"Ala!" King Brileon shouts with an angry expression on his face.

Crap! pops in my head. I was so busy crying and talking to Ms. Rhonda I forgot about getting away from here before he found me.

Ms. Rhonda gasps and so do I when I see how big the purple bruise  has gotten on his face. I gag and dash for the stall I just left out of.

I hear Ms. Rhonda say, "Poor child!"

I throw up again not understanding where that came from. I haven't eaten in I don't know how long.

I flush the toilet while sweating profusely and shaking. What is wrong with me?

I feel a wet cloth on the back of my neck. I look up to see who it is and Jared is smiling down at me, but his eyes are sad. The contents of my stomach feel like they will come up again and I pull the wet cloth from the back of my neck to the front. Too late! I move the towel in just enough time to throw up again. I am so weak I can't even flush the toilet all I can do is sit on the floor panting. Jared flushes the toilet while Ms. Rhonda hands me a cup of mouthwash. I take it, gargle it, and spit it in the toilet.

I am so dizzy I feel like I am going to faint.

"Sweetie are you okay? Your skin tone is two shades lighter." Mrs. Rhonda says.

Before I can answer her question I hear a loud boom and jump. I look behind me still shaking and the wall to the women's bathroom is gone.

I gasp and a guy who looks like he could be my twin walks in. He pushes Jared out the way since he is closest to me, grabs me, and takes off running. King Brileon and his royal guard rush after us. A helicopter ladder descends from the sky. The guy grabs it with one hand and pulls me to him with the other. We ascend into the helicopter, the guy carries me to a seat and straps me in. He sits next to me and does the same thing. We take off and the feeling of fainting gets stronger.

I hear King Brileon cussing way up here in the air. The woman who is flying the plane chuckles. She turns to me and I gasp. Goodness! She looks like King Brileon or rather he looks like her since she is older. Her hair is the same jet black color with white, and turquoise highlights. Her hair is cut short unlike his royal guard members. Her eyes are the same dark brown color as his, but she has a turquoise blue butterfly on her left cheek. 

"Who are you people?" I ask.

"I am Lucian you're twin. I am older by a few minutes." The guy who looks  like me says.

His skin tone is a little bit lighter than mine. He has the same brown eyes, but he has a fresh trimmed beard.

"I am King Brileon's mo..." Is all I hear the woman pilot say as I feel my eyes roll back and I pass out.

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