How To Mend What I Have Broken? (Part 2)

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March 23, 2043

(The Kenton's Safe House)

Ala walks out the bathroom.

"Hello Ala."

She jumps startled and shrieks.

"Dammit Brileon you scared the shit out of me!" Ala says.

"How did you get in here anyway?" Ala asks.

"Don't worry about that. I am waiting for you to answer my question." I tell her.

"What question Brileon? I am tired. I am about to rest so will you please leave so I can. I just came home from work and have to return tomorrow." She says.

"What?! You can't possibly be working and pregnant." I tell her.

She puts her hands on her hips or on the side of her huge belly and glares at me.

"Brileon go away! I don't have time for your foolishness. Yes, I am working which may be hard for your royal brain to process. I have to take care of myself and the children in my womb. Don't worry, I am saving some of the money I earn to take care of my children when they are born." Ala replies.

I reach into my pocket and pull out my wallet. I pull out a credit card and five hundred dollars in cash. I try to hand it to Ala and she becomes pissed.

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Get the hell out of my room. I am not your damn whore! Yes, I slept with you and got pregnant, but that is over and done with. I don't want or need your damn money. I can take care of myself and these children inside me by myself." Ala says.

"How the hell do you plan on taking care of twins or how ever many children you are having with such little income? Not to mention, you have only a high school education. How far do you think that will take you? I will not have my children living in poverty Ala." I tell her.

Ala flinches as if I slapped her. Then, her hands ball into fists. She comes within an inch of my face completely pissed off with me. The veins in her neck has popped out showing that her pressure is up.

"Fuck you Brileon! I may not be wealthy or have a damn college education like Danica, but that doesn't make it okay to belittle me. Get the hell out of my room! Leave me the hell alone." She says as her brown eyes look like sparks of fire I just ignited.

I put the money  and credit card on the bed since I know she isn't going to take it from me.

"Dammit woman! I just want to help you take care of our kids. Yes, I said our Ala, they are our kids not just yours as you keep saying." I tell her and move to pull her into my arms.

She steps away from me before I can hold her and walks to the bed. She picks up the money off the bed and the credit card. She walks back over to me with a smile on her face that doesn't reach her eyes and I know something is up. She puts the hand without the money and the credit card around my neck. She kisses me and I moan against her lips. I move to kiss her and she breaks the kiss.

"So, that is what you wanted." Ala says with eyes that are  filled with anger. Her knee connects with my manhood and I fall to the floor crying out in pain. She steps away and glares at me. Her eyes are filled with disgust.

"You fucking ass hole get the hell out of my father's house and never come back. Take this fucking money with you." Ala says throwing the money and the card at me.

"My body is off limits to you. You may be able to buy other women, but you can't buy me you royal prick. You made your decision to be with Danica. So, be with her, and leave me be." Ala snaps. She picks up her keys and purse off the dresser in her room and walks out the room completely pissed.

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