Jason Reveals The Hierarchy of Alien Races

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I awake in the arms of the Alexin King. Brileon kisses my neck and I squirm as I feel my morning ritual urging me to rush to the bathroom.

"Brileon I have to go to the bathroom. Can you please let me go and stop that?"

He releases me and I run to the bathroom. I relieve myself and he comes in and does the same thing. There is another toilet in here that I don't remember seeing before.

Brileon looks at me and smiles.

"Did you put this in here last night?" I ask.

"No, it has been there. When, I had the house built, Trisha's quarters though connected, were separate from mine. There was a wall, and a door that separated us. She wanted her own bed like she had on Alexin. She refused to sleep in the same bed with me like you do. Our sex life was more of a chore to her." Brileon says as I flush the toilet. He completes his business as well, and we both wash our hands. There are his and hers sinks in here. I pull some napkins down and dry my hands. He does the same.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist.

"I remember seeing you on the television when you all were coming to Earth. I saw how sad you were. I prayed that God would send you a woman who loves you as He intended. At that time, I remember wondering what I was thinking since you were already married. I had no idea I would ever meet you and now I am your wife." I tell him and he lifts my face to meet his.

"You are the blessing Ala. God told me you were my other half, but I let stupid Alexin laws prevent me from marrying you. Plus, I felt free. I didn't want to marry again without love. I also didn't want to be confined. I didn't want to die and only have ever slept with one woman." Brileon says.

"Queen Trisha was the first woman you slept with?" I ask.

Brileon nods and his sand colored face turns red. I step away from him and he whimpers.

I walk out the bathroom and he follows. I go sit on the bed in here and he comes to sit next to me. Brileon looks at me and asks, "What's on your mind?"

"Can't you hear my thoughts your majesty?" I ask as I look at him and he shakes his head no.

"I am not thinking anything. I am shocked though. I thought someone as handsome as you would have slept with several women. You sure do that now." I reply and he flinches.

"I did that Ala. I promised you before God that I would not continue to sleep with several women. I only want you." Brileon says.

I just look at him. I can't lie and say I believe him. I don't. It feels awful that I don't, but he has lied to me so much. I feel tears so, I get up and walk to find a robe or something to pull over my body. A wardrobe appears and I jump. I shriek a little and Brileon laughs. I open it and inside I see several dresses in different sizes, robes, underwear, bras, lingerie, shirts, and pants. Jealously rises, because I know that these clothes were bought for the different women he was with. I am his wife now, and I feel no better than when I wasn't. I sigh and look for clothes that fit me. I pull out a pink dress with matching under clothes. I walk into the bathroom and shut the door.

I feel horrible. My emotions are all over the place. I told my sister Candace to forgive and yet it feels like I haven't forgiven Brileon. Tears flow down my eyes as I walk over to the tub. I notice different types of bath salts for women. All of which would have me itching like crazy. I run some water into the sparkling white tub. I step in and adjust the water to the warmth I need to help my body relax. I sit down in the tub and turn the water off. I sigh as I sit back in the tub that I realize is actually a jacuzzi tub. It has spa jets, but I don't need them right now.

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