The letter

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Before I begin
This is a letter that Annie writes to Finnick about their son
To my dearest Finnick,
I miss you so much. It has been 3 years since our beautiful son came into the world. He looks so like you it hurts. His hair is as gold as the sand that lays on the beach just like yours and his eyes are as blue as the ocean outside our house. When he smiles its as if I see you inside him smiling at me with that goofy smile I have longed for since your death. When he laughs its as if its you laughing in front of me. I feel your presence when I'm around him. My heart aches for you and when I look into a son's innocent eyes I dread the day that he learns about the past. But when he is happy I notice that he is blind to the problems in this world for now. I hope he will stay that way for as long as he can. I moved to twelve at 5 months pregnant as I couldn't bear the house without you. I could almost hear your laughs fill the empty hallways, could almost see you smiling, could almost feel the tingle of your lips against mine. It brought me pain. I chose to move to twelve for the support from everyone. It helped me regain the strength to be a good mother............But I promise you my dearest Finnick that I never ever have gotten over you, Never have I gone a day without a thought of you, never have I gone a day without longing you to walk in the door and hold me like you did before. Never will I get over you my love, I will stand by you wherever you are. Because I know someday we will be reunited, someday I will taste your salty lips once more. Today, was the day I brought a son home to district four. I knew someday I would have to bring him to his roots. He knows you are dead but nothing more. I know the time will come when he learns the truth. He showed so many of your habits today when we first arrived. On the train he snatched a sugar cube from my tea tray and gently placed it on his tongue and smiled with satisfaction. He ran into the water and splashed me just as you did. He held the sand almost carefully and let it slip through his fingers. I finally started crying when I looked out the window about to call him for supper when I see him standing out on the beach and swinging a stick over his head. He begins to do small tricks as you would do with your trident. It made me miss you even more. Life has always been strange without you, it feels like there is a empty space or a missing chapter in my life. But our son loves you as do I though he doesn't know you he aspires to be like you. He listens with curiosity to the stories I tell him about you. I know I will meet you someday up in the clouds as will he, that day we will be reunited as a family. I miss you my love, but someday I will join you

WIth all my love,

Annie Odair

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