The Flashback (Part 1)

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Katniss POV:

I'm laying across the couch on a cold frosty morning alone in the hollowness of the house. I have my hands wrapped tightly around a warm cup of tea, my chapped purple lips enjoying the comforting burn of the tea against them. The routine has been the same for the last few weeks as it has gotten colder as winter creeps upon district 12. I have caught a nasty cold so most days I spend inside talking to Buttercup, to prim. Haymitch checks on me every evening and chats to me about my day though the conversation finishes in less than 60 seconds. Peeta has been doing well apparently, according to Haymitch. Better than me is what I'm hoping but I can't guarantee that. Haymitch usually avoids Peeta in our talks for my sake, and I am always grateful for that. Suddenly I notice buttercup enter the room. She meows softly and approaches me with a gentle meow as if begging to be picked up. I lift her up and place her on a pillow by my feet as she rests her softly on the end of the blanket which is thrown over my body for warmth. I glance over at the clock in the living room. Sae should be here in a half an hour forcing food into me. I know it's for my own good but I really hate it. I lift the tea to my lips and sip it softly almost shivering with pleasure as the warm liquid smooths my sore throat. Buttercup begins to purr and nuzzles her head against the blanket. I say to her

"What is it Buttercup?"

She meows softly again. I pretend I know what she's saying. I know by her saddened meow who she is referring to. Prim 

"I miss her too"

I say my voice cracking as my throat gets caught once more. I go to sip my tea again when suddenly the door flies open sending a gust of both frost and freezing cold wind flooding through the house. There stands Haymitch with a panicked look written across his face. I know by looking at him that he is sober and his sickly pale face tells me one word that causes me to look at him to exact same way


I look at him as if to ask him if I'm right. He begins to say between pants

"Peeta.......Is............having a flashback"

I feel the last bit of colour left in my face fade as I begin to both fear and need Peeta. Haymitch leans against the doorway out of breath as I immediately throw the blanket off my body hitting poor Buttercup in the process. I slam my tea down so hard on the coffee table that half of it spills over. I feel the panic rising in my throat as I slip on my slippers and run to grab my cardigan down the hall as it is the nearest thing I can grab to keep me some bit warm. I shove my arms through the sleeves quickly and sprint down the hall back to Haymitch. The minute we emerge from the house the cold air hits my lungs sharply causing me to let out raspy cough as we make our way across the slippery paths to Peeta's house. Suddenly I hear a smash of what sounds like glass come from inside. My throat burns as I pant trying to cross the icy path that lies between our houses. Soon both I and Haymitch are running up the steps to Peeta's front door. I notice it is silent on the other side. I place my hand on the doorknob ready to twist when I look back at Haymitch. I open my mouth but no words emerge as my eyes flicker from Haymitch to the door repeatedly.

"Don't worry, I got your back in there"

He says. I give him a slight smile of thanks before opening the door slowly as it creaks in the uncomfortable silence. I step in slowly looking around. I know Peeta's flashbacks cause him to throw things so I know to take particular caution of it. Haymitch has never done this before, Peeta hasn't had a flashback this bad since he was in the capitol. I walk into the kitchen as Haymitch steers toward the living room. Just as I enter the dining room I hear heavy breathing. I look around the room, then I see him. He's sitting the corner in darkness other than the morning light from the window a few metres away shines dimly on his face. I see droplets of sweat sitting on his forehead his iris the same shade as his pupils. I see his body shaking violently, His knees to his chest being clutched by his arms with such strength that I notice his knuckles begin to turn white. I take a deep breath. I feel my hands shaking, This is putting my life at risk, especially when he's this bad. I kneel down a fair distance from him and say softly

"Peeta, its Katniss....."

He looks at me. He continues to shake as he turns away from me and mutters

"You're a she's no...........yes she is.............Mutt...........You're a stinking mutt............needles.........whips..........electrocutions..............Mutt"

He's fighting with his head. I place my hand on his knee. He looks at me. I look him straight in the eye and say to him strictly, my voice croaking

"Fight it"

For a moment he just stares at me but then looks away and makes a slight groan as if in pain.

"I........I can't"

I keep trying to look in his eyes. I say once again with determination along with my voice being hoarse

"You can Peeta, I know you can, I've seen you do it"

He continues to groan and shuts his eyes tightly. I finally manage to say

"Show Snow he can't own you"

I see Peeta continue to struggle against the voices in his head. I know there's only one thing left to do. I may be throwing my life away with the decision but I lean in and kiss him. He stays completely still as do I, my lips pressed against his. After about 6 seconds I pull away and stand up and walk over to Haymitch who has been standing over by the doorway the whole time. Together we watch him to see if it works. He removes his arms that looked as if they were cuffed around his knees. I see his eyes beginning to slowly flood with the ocean blue colour that indicates the flashback is over. I sigh with a faint smile. I whisper still smiling slightly as I watch the real Peeta return

"He did it. He fought it"

"Because of you sweetheart"

Haymitch says with a smile putting his arm around my shoulders. Peeta is still in the corner his eyes shut taking a moment to recover. I am about to thank Haymitch for staying incase it got out of hand but I immediately begin a fit of coughing. Just as I finish up coughing Haymitch steers me out the doorway and says his arm still drapped over my shoulder

"Come on. Lets get you home and give you some medicine"

We just walk out the doorway into the hall until we hear his voice form the kitchen almost strained yet pleading.



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Em is out

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